Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] [adj] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 The one event that has done more than any other to damage the reputation of Athenian democracy is , of course , the trial and execution of Socrates in 399 BC for impiety and corrupting the young .
2 Day Two : Arrival at Hook of Holland at 7 a.m. for an onward rail journey to Hilversum ( via Amsterdam ) where the arrival at your hotel is approximately 10.30 a.m. collect your bicycle and take a tour of the town to get acquainted with the cycle and the special cyclist paths .
3 For the areas in our study there was a high degree of completeness of ascertainment from 1968 onwards for children aged 0–14 because these areas are included in the data collected prospectively for the Northern Region Children 's Malignant Disease Registry and all these cases were included in the National Registry of Childhood Tumours .
4 By contrast , I once stayed on a tiny Wyoming ranch where the teetotal owner dragged us out of bed at 5 a.m. for long , freezing horse rides into the Rockies .
5 It 's er Dennis next with Afternoon Special I 'll see you tonight at the Star Inn on Middle Street in Beeston at eight o'clock for Drinking Partners if you want to come along and watch there .
6 The coach departed from Clun at 8 a.m. for the four-hour journey to Minehead , the terminus of the West Somerset and indeed of the original branch line whose closure in 1971 led to the formation of the preserved railway which is so successful today .
7 His son , the present Lord Rathcreedan , born 1905 , recalls that his parents came to Henley in 1910 specifically for the golf and because it was not far from London .
8 ‘ Artrageous ! ’ will be shown on BBC2 at 7.30 pm for six weeks starting tonight
9 It was necessary to come to church at 6.30 pm for the 7.00 pm service if you wanted to avoid sitting on the narrow side-benches .
10 Though he established a military academy at Chełmno in 1776 specifically for the sons of the Polish nobility , this was not consistent with his general line of thought .
11 An order came out from the Chief Constable : ‘ The following inspectors ( there were three of them — I was one ) and sergeants and men will parade at such-and-such a yard at Birkenhead at eleven o'clock for the launching of the Ark Royal .
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