Example sentences of "[noun sg] when he [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , in Clarence ( 1888 ) 22 QBD 23 , a woman 's agreement to sexual intercourse with her husband meant that , surprising as it is to modern ears , he was not guilty of inflicting grievous bodily harm when he infected her with VD .
2 Ironically , it was the motor car which saved Huntercombe — not just as a means of travel but because the wealth of car maker William Morris , later Viscount Nuffield , secured its future when he bought it in 1925 .
3 James expressed the negative side when he described it as ‘ the theory which denies that there can be in a sensation any element of actual locality , any tone as it were which cries to us immediately and without further ado , ‘ I am here ’ or ‘ I am there ’ ’ .
4 ‘ Could n't you see the dog did n't have friendship in mind when he hurled himself at you ? ’
5 Murad II came out of retirement to inflict a severe defeat on this motley force when he confronted them at Varna .
6 I was just about to offer him my pen when he produced one from his carrier bag : a grotty looking biro with a chewed end .
7 In 1968 the Government introduced the Newspaper Ordnance ( Amendment ) Bill , which empowered the president to order a newspaper to cease publication when he considered it in the public interest to do so .
8 He is a naughty boy when he hits you for nothing .
9 It was instrumental in bringing the young Niki Lauda into the public eye when he dismissed it as rubbish after a handful of laps .
10 The film became the American entry , by invitation , into that year 's Venice film festival and the New York Times ' critic , Bosley Crowther , summed up his nation 's embarrassment when he described it as a ‘ brutal picture which caused diplomats to mop their brows — a vicious account of boozing , fighting , pot-smoking , vandalizing and raping done by a gang of sickle riders who are obviously drawn to represent the swastika-wearing Hell 's Angels , one of several disreputable gangs on the west coast .
11 The one time Mayor of Arden , father of the bruised Grace ( ‘ Had it been Paddy Ashdown I would n't have minded one little bit ’ ) , had checked in at the desk and was about to carry his overnight bag up to his room when he noticed her through the glass door of an adjoining room .
12 What would he do with Harry 's body when he found it at last , but toss it back again to go downstream as he willed it to go , and leave its poor slender bones scattered all along the banks of Severn without a name or a resting-place ?
13 And for herself , Robert thought , remembering her disappointed distance when he extracted her from the culvert .
14 He also injured Thomas 's common-law wife when he hit her in the legs with the stick , Teesside magistrates heard .
15 Surere was already looking sleeker , Huy thought , as he tried to banish the servile feelings which still rose to the surface when he found himself in the company of his former superior .
16 He thought of startling Fred and Daisy with a flood of Italian when he met them off the boat train at Victoria Station , but at the sight of them his plans fled for excitement .
17 There , in the company computer , he imagines he will find tons of choice titbits such as upcoming record store appearances or release dates for new singles — information that will make him a real idol otaku king when he transmits it over the networks to other idol-loving otaku .
18 I can not recall an occasion when he asked me for help before .
19 His mother was watching the weather forecast on television when he let himself into the house .
20 THE Tory MP Mr David Tredinnick ( Bosworth ) provoked fury from the Liberal Democrats during the Queen 's speech debate when he accused them of ‘ doughnutting ’ — sitting in a tight circle around their spokesman in order to give the impression on television that the Commons was full .
21 John Stork — when in his mid-30s — became aware of headhunting when he found himself on the receiving end of a headhunter 's call for the first time ; in due course he became the successful candidate , but did not take the job , staying on as a member of the international Board of Masius Wynne-Williams advertising agency , where he had earlier been head of research .
22 But it is pure silk encrusted with sequins and it did give Yul Brynner a regal air when he wore it in The King And I in 1956 .
23 Elsa departed because she could n't take Fagg 's oft-repeated loud muttering of ‘ Swiss maybe , but Swiss-Kraut certainly ’ ; two male Chinese took umbrage when he denounced them as Nips ; an observing Hindu became revolted when Mauleverer , an occasional resident , subjected him to intense cross-questioning about whether the liver was from a Dutch calf and was being served sufficiently rare ; and a delicious-looking Filipino , who strayed too close to Fishbane at breakfast , received a pinch which made her hysterical .
24 I have quoted this passage in full , not because I think it is particularly inspired or even well-written , but because it is the nearest attempt I have come across to suggest some of the subjective , hidden meanings that might well make up a performer 's luggage when he expresses himself on stage .
25 Only Chris Roberts in Melody Maker mounted an attack of any substance when he accused them of sounding ‘ one-dimensional ’ and ‘ piss-poor on mystery and magic . ’
26 She did get out of his car without a word when he stopped it outside her address — but so did he .
27 And Lloyd found , in a milieu still heavily influenced by the Communist Party , that he had little difficulty in outselling the Morning Star when he took it on the streets .
28 Mr Duval then realised the power of international persuasion when he found himself among a group of prisoners who were finally released in 1976 as the result of pressure from Amnesty International and Jimmy Carter 's new US government .
29 The Major had scotched his suggestion when he mentioned it to him over lunch , but the Under-Secretary 's unexpected decision had now left them with no alternative .
30 , whose organisation distributes many of our export products , highlighted opportunities facing the Company when he presented us with a commemorative certificate to mark the Chilton opening and to celebrate over 15 years of close co-operation .
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