Example sentences of "[noun sg] when he [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Andrew Davis , who lives at Richmond Road in Oxford , denied causing grievious bodily harm when he appeared at the city 's crown court .
2 Abu Khadra showed little physical emotion when he talked about the past , but his words were carefully chosen and sometimes very angry .
3 On 30th September , Jesse Pring an engine driver employed at Lee 's was operating the winding drum drawing chalk trucks up the incline when he fell into the crank pit , he received severe injuries and died within the hour .
4 After more than fifty-four years of marriage she was by his side when he died at the age of eighty-four , at 21 Frimley Gardens , Mitcham , south London , 4 June 1943 .
5 Scholars ' president looks to famous ancestor The Rev. John Douglas will seek his inspiration from a famous ancestor when he returns to the Friends ' School at Great Ayton as president of the Old Scholars ' Association .
6 Donnelly was reckoned to be doing 150mph in sixth gear when he plunged off the road .
7 Dozy Dr Bob Lambourn leapt into action when he stumbled across the training exercise .
8 Before sleeping I wonder what Pascal had in mind when he wrote in the Pensées : ‘ Time heals griefs and quarrels , for we change and are no longer the same persons .
9 Even earlier , in 1751 , he had had the same theme in mind when he began On the Immensity of the Supreme Being :
10 Hayek believes that all spontaneous social orders have these knowledge-bearing or information-carrying characteristics ; that is , precisely the characteristics which Adam Smith had in mind when he referred to the ‘ invisible hand ’ of the market .
11 It will be on every player 's mind when he stands on the tee to give himself the best chance of an uphill putt , whether it be from that tee shot or a subsequent approach .
12 He could n't imagine a government servant working abroad who did not feel that tug of pleasure when he walked up the steps of his embassy in a foreign capital .
13 The ancestors of the famous American writer John dos Passos emigrated from here , and he visited this village when he came to the island in the 1950s .
14 Now , Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown plans to raise the whole issue when he speaks at the Welsh Labour conference in Llandudno later today .
15 Mr H knew nothing about the new law when he arrived in the UK .
16 He was barely 20 years old and already working the nightclub circuit when he wed for the first time .
17 ALAN LEONARD aims to add another string to his bow when he plays in the Irish National Pairs championship finals in Blackrock , County Dublin next weekend .
18 He must have supposed himself to be using a language absolutely purged of metaphor when he wrote at the grand climax of the Discourse on method
19 They had offered Dalglish an emotional welcome when he emerged before the game and took an unfamiliar place on the visitors ' bench .
20 Stephen Bunbury was hailed as a hero when he returned from the Gulf .
21 What news will Chancellor Norman Lamont have for the motorist when he rises in the House of Commons next Tuesday to deliver his budget speech ?
22 An electrician made the grim discovery when he went into the loft at Milton Keynes , Bucks .
23 Opened by another Mr Perkins who was staying at the same hotel , the package was passed to police who were ready and waiting for the actor when he arrived at the hotel in Cardiff .
24 Sergeants Camb and Martin were gossiping in the foyer when he emerged from the lift .
25 Hurt was celebrating an award which had been won by his TV series The Storyteller and was staggering around in a drunken haze when he turned on the paparazzi and yelled , ‘ Those bastards have been winding me up all night .
26 He had told them that Whitlock would be promoted to Deputy Director when he retired at the end of the year .
27 A frown of puzzlement creased his brow when he looked at the cover .
28 The hon. Member for Gordon ( Mr. Bruce ) made an important point when he referred to the need for health and safety to be designed in from the beginning .
29 the Far East , including Japan , Australasia and South America are among the areas that bring a gleam to his eye when he talks of the future .
30 Oh , David 's father , he 's such an old stick nowadays , he wants everyone to jump to attention when he comes in the room .
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