Example sentences of "[noun sg] could [vb infin] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was undesirable to make an order which would in practice be executed before the defendant could avail himself of that opportunity .
2 The 28-year-old Briton knows a second defeat could leave him in desperate trouble against the man rated by many as the best player in the chess history .
3 If two pairs { x , y } and { z , w } are the same distance apart , then the sorter could put them in either order .
4 Nevertheless , except in one regard , the Industrial and Provident Societies Act of 1852 provided the basis on which co-operative societies of whatever kind could establish themselves as corporate entities .
5 The rejection of the peace plan , and the possibility that the West could find itself in military confrontation with the Bosnian Serbs , raises the threat of a more general Balkan war .
6 Your own time-table could help us to that . ’
7 A column was the rubric under which the writer could put anything at all .
8 But the easterners worry that the Community 's recession could push it towards greater protectionism .
9 David Speedie lost his rag with an invading fan at The Dell yesterday — but his one-man pitch clear-ing job could land him in hot water .
10 I am sure that an engineer could tell you of other differences between the punchcard and electronic machines too .
11 The state monopoly of television channels would survive until 1982 : but in 1964 a second channel was created ; 70 per cent of the population could receive it by 1966 ; its first news broadcasts were transmitted in 1967 .
12 Consequential loss can be where delay or loss of a letter or package could involve you in additional expense over and above its actual value .
13 He was a field marshal and , when acting in his military capacity as Inspector General of the Imperial forces , his wife could accompany him in public .
14 But if you do n't mind this cinema verité approach to pornography and you get turned on by freaky-looking people , then the amateur video could introduce you to some interesting new bedtime pals .
15 If a yogi could tell us at any given moment what his digestive organs were doing , in chemical terms , and some constant monitoring apparatus attached to his intestines confirmed everything he said , then we might want to say yes ; for the performance would seem to show just that immediate awareness of goings-on that we think of as intuitively necessary for a Conscious process .
16 He came up off the floor in one swift , powerful lunge , slamming the full force of his body into Boisson and driving him back towards the dungeon before the man could gather himself for another swing .
17 In her opinion , her love for her husband was not diminished at all just because another man could raise her to sexual satisfaction in a devastating fulfilment which was lacking in Stephen 's love-making .
18 Lastly , the United Kingdom argued that , if any national of a member state could establish himself in another member state and , without more , exercise the same right to fish as that enjoyed by the nationals of that latter member state , it would not only be the quota system which would be undermined .
19 Making that choice could rip her in two .
20 If you have a skill you can use at home or as an itinerant worker , from gardening or hairdressing to cooking or sewing , a modest outlay on local advertising could bring you in enough to live on .
21 As a result , a nation could find itself with huge quantities of substances which it does not need — which is precisely the American experience .
22 Peasants with a minimal surplus of food could barter it for vital equipment .
23 Edward Hamer , of Llanidloes , asked how New Zealand company Fortex , which is currently considering two shortlisted sites one near the Powys village , and another in Lockerbie , Scotland expected to create so many jobs when his company could do it with half the number .
24 His voice was now re-forming into a pleasant tenor and his clamp of a memory could breeze him through Welsh songs and hymns , music-hall ditties and comic specialities half the night .
25 Usually we are melting snow or ice so we do n't bother , but this trip could see us near stagnant water .
26 Like many so-called archaic methods it was the result of long adaption of means to ends ; like many supposed pockets of peasant routine the Basque system could adapt itself to new demands .
27 Having turned only 25 last month , while possessing the fighting qualities which Souness admires , the Reds ' chief could see him as better value than Scales — and the man to put steel into a brittle defence which cost so many points last term .
28 The local team 's reply to England 's 334 for 4 was a not unimpressive 221 for 3 , with a trio of schoolboy prodigies ( 'We could produce them like this on better pitches , ’ Stewart said ) in their line-up .
29 I knew ‘ Butcher 's Boy ’ was Danny 's call sign but who on earth could want him at two 0'clock in the morning ?
30 And who on earth could blame you for that ? ’
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