Example sentences of "[noun sg] up on to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The wearing of Highland dress , the speaking of Erse , the weather — ; his observations begin with the commonplace and are taken by his mind up on to the plateau of thought .
2 He had his own little boat and do you know where farmers make farrows on the land , the only mark that was left behind by Angus was the mark where he pulled his boat up on to the shore every day that the weather was not too rough .
3 Everyone who knew him in those schooldays — men and women alike — speak with affection of him : stories tumble out like clothes spilling out of a split suitcase — Richard peeing out of the train window as the engine roared by the station platform , Richard taking a girl up on to a mountain and scaring her to flight at his howl as a passionate hand landed on one of his more angry boils , Rich , reeking of beer , rolling into school and being sent home .
4 After a moment , Lucifer reached down one hand and lifted the girl up on to the stage .
5 His body flexed as he hauled the heavy bike up on to the centre stand , and her heart jerked and accelerated to a steady two hundred beats a minute .
6 There was never a shortage of helpers to lift the bike up on to the pavement — over the school step and into the passage .
7 Millie burst out laughing , and as Ben pulled him self up on to the cart , she said , ‘ You know , you are funny , the things you say . ’
8 She lifted a leg up on to a pile of old beer crates , leaving Charlie faced with an expanse of bare pink thigh .
9 Your father wants you ! ’ he called to her , as he rode the wagon pony up on to the crisp , brittle moor where every blade of grass and bushy twig was petrified by frost .
10 Yet , for all the massive support on either side of him , all the elder Falkenhayn could achieve was to push the line up on to the north crest of the Mort Homme .
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