Example sentences of "[noun sg] up [pos pn] [noun] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You could kill him , I suppose , but you 've got to remember this : if you do , what you have to do next is ruffle up your hair and mess up your garments and appear howling and all distressed at your local nick , saying you do n't know what came over you .
2 The girls were wired up so that the current lit up their cockades and enabled their swords to give off sparks as they fenced .
3 As they leered suggestively at her , she would stick a finger up her nose and start scratching it in a very obvious way .
4 My new fedora and Hamlet cigar accessories , more fitting to a winning manager than my old tartan pom-pom cap and ounce of Old Holborn , made me unrecognisable to most of the supporters and the nearest I received to a compliment came from a director who suggested I ‘ stick a faggot up my backside and clear off ’ .
5 They wanted to hug , cuddle , kiss , make daisy chains and watch the ducklings running on the surface of the lake , but one was told to grow up and pay back the beastly Jews who were wicked people and had put daddy Schicklgruber out of work , another that anyone who did n't enjoy riding bare back across Asia splitting skulls was a sissy , the third that all Mensheviks carried a knife up their sleeve and needed purging .
6 And he 'd tell me stories or sing to me , and sometimes , after he 'd had a good tumblerful of whisky , he 'd slide his hand up my shorts and stroke my thigh .
7 ‘ This little swine put his hand up my skirt and groped me .
8 I take it you are familiar with our songs and the aloof sophistication with which we present them … well , kindly desist from cavorting like a chimp with a roman candle up its arse and get on with it !
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