Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [vb past] [to-vb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For once , it was the losing side who seemed to have fewer reservations about the performance of the referee .
2 An archbishop who failed to challenge that kind of economic fundamentalism would virtually have abandoned the social hope of the Christian Church .
3 In 1951 , he could still write to an author who wanted to publish some works in his collection : ‘ I have not given you my permission because I do not know what will be in the book you are writing .
4 of a man and woman who conspired to eat each other
5 A man who wished to resist such turning could insist on keeping to the subject ; and forceful men who had the character of genial good nature could get away with open rebuttal of this kind ; but not all people who interrupted with open rebuttals acquired or maintained that character .
6 In Rosemary 's book , ‘ lecherous , cretinous , oversexed reptile ’ was too polite a term for a man who seemed to think any female working for his father was fair game .
7 Once you 've created the jobs for people it has given the economies an upturn and I feel it 's rather a shame that the erm the great problems of the of the Germans particularly have put that pressure for high interest rates through the er E R M , through those currencies and one , I think , good thing of Britain 's disaster last year , with with their position in the E R M , is that by lowering interest rates , if we only had a government who wanted to use that opportunity probably , we could train people for for work .
8 If the aeroplane broke up in the air or the engine fell apart then the designers could be at fault ; if navigation aids were not working properly a radio engineer could be responsible , or even the Director of Civil Aviation who failed to provide enough money for the maintenance of the aids .
9 This was an important mission , yet they had sent him a minor police official who seemed to have little standing or influence .
10 So that the bill I would es estimate , if you have a solicitor as executor would be the same as if you had a private person as ex as executor who went to see that solicitor .
11 So it was that by the time Hugh and Twoflower entered the courtyard of the Broken Drum the leaders of a number of them were aware that someone had arrived in the city who appeared to have much treasure .
12 Before I hand over to Dave to tell his side of the story , I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dave , Richard , Liz and all the JM staff at sites around the country who helped to organise this event which has raised so much for our Charity of the Year .
13 Collective security necessarily imposed obligations on all nation states , powerful and weak alike , to respect each other 's separate identity and autonomy , and to sanction any member who failed to respect such obligations .
14 Held : Upon an appeal by Mr Stone 's widow it was held that an occupier who intended to permit another person to enter and use the premises for a limited period of time had to give a clear indication to the other that the permission was subject to a time limit .
15 Ironically , the only Hibs player who appeared to have any kind of conviction going forward was Pat McGinlay , who has taken up the attention of Celtic 's manager , Liam Brady , and will be the object of a move from that quarter when his contract expires in the summer .
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