Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [vb past] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A telephone call to London found an agent who specialised in such transactions , and an appointment was made .
2 He thought that any Special Agent who dressed like this guy would be disciplined .
3 There 's only so much that anybody 's brain can handle at any one time so let's just do a little experiment because there was a chap called George Miller an American psychologist who worked on this idea of what is the capacity of the brain , how many bits of information can the brain hold on to at any given time .
4 Remember that fellow at work who walked into that gallery and just put it under his coat ?
5 It was held that this was insufficient information to give an arrestee , and the constable who arrested in those circumstances had gone beyond the scope of his duty since he was exercising his admitted power improperly .
6 ‘ Could the doctor have been called in the hour of desperate need by an angel who appeared as this woman 's young daughter ? ’ queries Mr Graham .
7 A young motorist who crashed into another car while reversing at a fast speed escaped a driving ban at Whitby magistrates yesterday .
8 Five years on , with the Nazis extending their anti-Semitic reach , Willi 's guardian , a Russian Jewess who looked after several refugee children , decided it was time for a mountain trek to more hospitable territory .
9 Minton 's generous hospitality was extended to many , to Robert Frame , Leslie Todd-Reeve and his wife , Nessie Dunsmuir and her sister who lodged for several weeks at Hamilton Terrace before and after a major operation .
10 He was also aware that constant allusions to the awful consequences of not keeping the lid screwed down would bring to heel , like so many Pavlovian dogs , those within his own camp who hankered after some form of leadership other than his .
11 The fate of a fallen minister or favourite might be even harder if he had aroused real fear and hatred in his opponents the executions ( or rather judicial murders ) in 1719 of Baron Goertz , the adviser of the dead Charles XII of Sweden , and in 1772 of Count Struensee , the progressive-minded but tactless favourite who had for several years dominated the court of Denmark , are good illustrations of this .
12 It is hoped that the reader will participate to some extent in this activity by sharing the perspective of the workshop team who worked on this text .
13 Mr Wheeler , an engineer who worked for many years in the oil business , is a pleasant , slightly worried-looking man who can not bear the fact that no one seems to realise just what lengths he goes to in order to keep the plant squeaky clean and emission-free .
14 Nor do I for a moment suppose that anyone there recognized him , nor was he the sort of author who basked in that kind of admiration .
15 On the other side of the entrance to Garden Cottages was a small house in the occupation of Mr. Truckle who was a coalman and his wife who worked for many years at The Salisbury Steam Laundry .
16 ‘ If I was a person who believed in such things … ’
17 Another risk is that when information is filed under address a consumer may be refused credit not because of his own record but because the record of some other person who lived at that address .
18 But if nothing concrete emerges , we shall check the backgrounds of every person who stayed in this Lodge last night . ’
19 He handed it across to the Colonel who noticed with some satisfaction that it was addressed to him by name and not merely as commanding officer .
20 Almost every month it seems as though some sad parent on the local news is bemoaning the loss of their teenager who died in this way .
21 She recognised at once the well-built woman who turned from some chore at the kitchen sink as the woman who had opened the door to her last Friday .
22 I looked around for this other speaker , this eminent historian who had been right in the middle of the action , this acute analyst who assembled with such thoroughness the material I too had worked on , who had packed it into enlightening and readable volumes .
23 If you had observed my father who arrived in this house a week after you did , you will have seen that his house knowledge is perfect and was so almost from the time he set foot in Darlington Hall . ’
24 In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord who died for all men .
25 The teller is Jack Page who lived at All Saints , Halesworth in Suffolk :
26 For instance , this year there will be a film marking the centenary of Leo Walmsley , the novelist who lived for many years at Robin Hood 's Bay .
27 The Inspector who reported on that Litchfield city local plan said , go away , leave your Litchfield city plan and look at the options beyond the greenbelt , including erm the possibility of a new village , and I think that 's that 's the point here , instead of rolling back the greenbelt you should be looking beyond , you know , what is the general extent of the greenbelt to see what options are available , just coming on then to the size point , again that Mr Grantham raised , I have through erm experience both in the Cambridge situation which I referred to extensively erm in my statement , and in East Staffordshire where we are promoting a plan , er a site for a new village which is included in the deposited plan , we 've looked in both the Cambridge and the er East Staffordshire situation , bo at service provision , both from speaking to the providers of those services and whether or not they need a specific facility in the settlement , and from the developers point of view , that if you 've got a pot of money what can you afford to erm provide within a settlement of that size , and the conclusions we are rai er sort of reaching are a du a settlement of the order of twelve fifty dwellings can support your primary school , community centre , erm a range of shops , and so on and so forth , so what I 'm saying in my submission that the an appropriate size is in the thousand fifteen hundred mark , is that were you can get a reasonable co balance of community facilities and provide the relevant infrastructure in terms of services .
28 Bottcher Strawalde is an artist who lived for several decades in the shadow of the Berlin Wall ( the film was discovered or rediscovered by Parisians a month ago at the Jeu de Paume ) .
29 This lady informed me that she and her friend had consulted a man who claimed at that time to be the leading expert in the United States in the psychic determination of past lives .
30 no where erm the multiple concern who looked after that business , where their national account department looked after that corporate we would look after it and where their key account department looked after it you would look after it and is a national account for for erm
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