Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [verb] up the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not strange at all , of course , in economic terms , since the slacks and Pringle jumper brigade who make up the bulk of business in summer would n't take the Austin Maxi out of the car-port if there was even a remote chance of frost .
2 It was Dr. Joseph Thackeray , the newly appointed physician to the infirmary who took up the burden .
3 The story which most reminds me of animism ( if anything does ) is that of the angel who stirred up the pool of Bethesda ( John 5:1–15 ) .
4 Edwina Currie and Simon Hughes not only have the same face , voice and mannerisms — they are in fact the same person : creations of a con- and drag-artist who dreamed up the idea to draw two salaries , and now wishes he had n't .
5 But he also sub-divided these manifold elites into a governing elite , composed of all leaders who directly or indirectly play a part in ruling the society , and a non-governing elite who make up the remainder of the elites ( 1935 , vol. 3 , pp. 1422 — 4 ) .
6 Thus , they reckon , a director who weighs up the burden of meeting interest charges , and still opts for a big loan , has got to feel assured of success .
7 Others speak of a Spanish grandee who offered up the corpse of his lovely young wife in this way , hoping in his grief that her elements might be dispersed about the air .
8 As I told the board before their meeting with the Receiver , the blame lies solely with the person who dreamt up the idea , namely Chester Bence .
9 In fact , it was rumoured that one of the Mill Hill guys had had his brain messed around with by the visitor who screwed up the landing in the Hebrides .
10 Sometimes it appeared that the police and the media were christening subsequent sex beasts as variants of The Fox , while , much more rarely , on other occasions it seemed to be the offender who took up the mantle .
11 As the woman who dreamed up the slogan ‘ A Dog Is For Life , Not Just For Christmas ’ , she needs to have a high profile for campaigning , while still being able to turn her hand to clearing the odd blocked drain that might occur at the kennels .
12 There was a rich woman who picked up the check for her friends — in short they were an entourage .
13 There was Emil Brunner one of the two leading Christian thinkers on the Continent of Europe ; there was Reinhold Niebuhr , one of the two leading Christian thinkers from the United States ; there was Visser t'Hooft , the Dutchman who built up the World Council of Churches ; there was J. H. Oldham , at that moment the leading thinker about Christian society in the British Isles ; and there was Bernard Manning , the Congregationalist historian who was a friend of the Ramsey family in Cambridge .
14 Brian George from Henley in Oxfordshire was the man who thought up the idea of the fraud .
15 Oh they have this silly man who picks up the telephone in a he 's er got a chef 's hat on and he says Giovanni 's and then it was , it turns out to be one of his old friends so he lapses into sort of Glaswegian .
16 Robert Townsend , the Avis man who wrote Up the organization , dismissed such schemes as gimmicks .
17 And the Great Panjandrum of this extraordinary enterprise — the man who dreamt up the task force , who drives its proceedings , and who keeps President Bill Clinton informed about its deliberations — is a student-radical-turned-management-consultant , Ira Magaziner .
18 If Southend police could run in some young man who picked up the car on the Foulness road yesterday afternoon .
19 Are you the man who put up the money to buy it ? ’
20 The stooge who set up the question was a local Free Presbyterian elder !
21 Some stories say the scribe who drew up the document for the Queen Regent was a Madeiran and that he deliberately forgot to include Madeira .
22 Look at Ben Hogan , a legend and a perfectionist who gave up the game when he was struck down by the dreaded ‘ yips ’ .
23 The couple who took up the challenge have no grandchildren of their own .
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