Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [verb] [been] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Later that month , Dr. Harvey Goldsmith who had been appointed medical officer to the Poor Law Institution in 1900 , resigned .
2 From there , if and when it became possible , he would be taken to the castle at Soragna where the Principessa Meli Lupi was prepared to take him on in the guise of a gardener — a refugee who had been rendered deaf and dumb in the bombing of Milan .
3 But surgeons at Frenchay Hospital , Bristol , were able to graft his corneas on to the eyes of another youngster who had been going blind .
4 Examples of such tasks are : an adolescent girl who has been having unprotected sexual intercourse with her boyfriend agrees to go to her local family planning clinic to seek contraceptive advice and to avoid having intercourse until contraception has been arranged ; a student with difficulty getting down to revising for an important examination decides that he must make a list of what he needs to do — his therapist suggests he also arranges the topics in their order of importance .
5 At Cambrai in 1076 a Cathar who had been judged heretical but not sentenced was being held in the local jail .
6 On more than one occasion he had had to remove a dead dog from the highway and take it in his barrow to the incinerator , and there were times when he had to take the place of a night watchman who had been taken ill on one of the larger roadworks and stay there until he could be relieved .
7 In Ariel ( 15 ) a miner who has been made redundant heads south to Helsinki and falls in love .
8 In it , a miner who has been made redundant heads south to Helsinki and falls in love .
9 Meanwhile , Riddler has to fight off the attentions of Seemore , a vagrant who has been driven mad with desire for her body .
10 A teenager who 's been having pioneering medical treatment to help him grow , is back on his feet … and learning karate .
11 The man or woman who has been made redundant may begin to feel that life is all but over .
12 The basic principles of correction and praise apply not only to the well-balanced puppy , but also to the adult dog who has been acquired second-hand .
13 Rachel crawled into the confined space beside him , and with a little jolt she saw it was Len Seager , the man who had been having alcohol-related problems .
14 A Bosnian evacuee who 's been receiving medical treatment in this country claims there are more deserving casualties still suffering in the war zone .
15 This comment is from a daughter who had been giving substantial care to her mother , and explained the situation thus ,
16 of income in the north of Ireland — and that the hill livestock farmer depends very much on such payments at this time of year , will he ensure that these payments and other headage payments are made in accordance with the rules and regulations and thus assist the distraught financial circumstances especially of the small farmer who has been paid scant regard in the House this afternoon ?
17 We are able to look forward to pastures new this year thanks to our Sites Officer Tony Message who has been adding new farmland to our club 's existing search areas .
18 Congratulations goes to Paddy Summers of the Sixmilewater league who has been elected assistant team manager to Russell Morrow , Ballymena .
19 A statue shows a priest dressed in the skin of a prisoner who has been flayed alive .
20 Two floors up , behind her desk , sits manager Marlene Ross — the powerhouse who has been managing top Gaelic rockers , Runrig , for 12 years .
21 The Home Office says it 's for illegal entrants to this country who 've been judged unlikely to comply with voluntary restrictions .
22 At its inception only seven senior officers were involved , to assist the Chief Officer who had been delegated particular functions by the Council , and to act as a senior management team .
23 The whole of the small bowel with mesentery and mesenteric vessels were removed from a 15-year-old female accident victim who had been certified brain-stem dead .
24 Mr. Roth contended that it is inconceivable that a party who has been held to be merely negligent should be required to contribute to the damages payable by a party who has been found guilty of fraud .
25 Dr Henry Sacheverell was a High Anglican cleric who had been delivering violent attacks on Dissenters , occasional conformists and Low Churchmen for several years .
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