Example sentences of "[noun sg] so that [pos pn] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Careers adviser Julie Bayley suggests structuring the CV so that your date of birth comes last and the interesting things you 've done recently up front — and that includes voluntary work .
2 Maybe we are like a photocopy of God that got a bit crumpled and smudged as it came out of the machine so that his image in us has got a bit spoilt , but that does not alter the fact that every person has something of God about them .
3 This can be dealt with either by fitting the natural curve and the formula curve so that their departures from each other are minimised through the whole length ; or by fitting the curve obtained from the formula to the lower parts of the segment of the river on the assumption that grade would be more nearly perfect in this reach ; or by refining the formula until it becomes very complicated indeed .
4 Particularly now that Ned O'Mara had turned against her , watching her like a hawk so that her source of pies and tarts and bones for her dog had come to an end .
5 He made a sort of ducking movement to acknowledge his orders and tipped up the nearest chair so that its burden of garments slithered to the flagstones .
6 We can expand , therefore , Kossen 's original definition so that our definition of leadership is the ability to influence the behaviour of others to go in a certain direction within a given context .
7 The types of jobs provided may simply reinforce the marginal status of many of these workers , that is , maintain them in an essentially peripheral position in society so that their access to economic rewards , dignity , and power remain severely limited ( Scott , 1984 ; Larwood , et al . ,
8 A tranquillized tiger is fitted with a radio collar so that its movements in Chitawan National Park can be studied .
9 Another possibility is that advanced patient age prompts a less aggressive hospital treatment so that its effect on mortality is exerted before discharge .
10 A and B are made in the form of a saddle and rider so that their centres of mass lie within 0.3 mm on release .
11 Henry had copies of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle identifiable with our C and E , and went to some trouble to re-order his material so that his account of early English history was clearer than that of his sources ; Florence helped his readers by prefacing his work with lists of bishops of English sees and genealogies of English royal dynasties .
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