Example sentences of "[noun sg] will be [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If serious conflict breaks out with regard to any one of these types of demand the result will be either a neurosis ( conflict between the ego and the id ) , a manic-depressive disorder ( conflict between the ego and the superego ) , or a psychosis ( conflict between the ego and reality ) .
2 The SPRED session for your son/daughter will be once a fortnight .
3 Whether you break down , have your car stolen , or need the police or an ambulance , help will be only the press of a few buttons away — without leaving the car .
4 ‘ My move from accountancy to law will be both a challenge and a change of emphasis ’ said Mr Toghill , ‘ I am aware of the present employment difficulties in the profession .
5 HOTLINE TO THE FUTURE By the end of the century , the telephone will be just a telephone no longer — enter the personal communications centre
6 There will normally be three or four classes — for a first-timer the best choice will be either the Novice or the Pairs ( usually 2′ 6 ″/2; ′ 9″ ) .
7 Until the time will come when that enemy in you will win and your yearning for freedom will be only a lie which you turn into dreams that start ‘ if only …
8 Erm obviously if you did n't , then the widower 's pension will be quite a bit less cos we 're only talking about from nineteen eighty eight .
9 As the mount will be either a war boar , giant spider or giant wolf their profiles have been included in full .
10 A good reputation will be merely a means to winning what I want from others ; I shall care nothing for the respect or contempt of people who can not help or ham me , and find no pleasure in the prospect of millions seeing my face on television or reading my books after I am dead .
11 4 The interception angle will be twice the number of degrees that you are off track .
12 The interception angle to use to get onto the desired track will be twice the number of degrees off track .
13 Sometimes this specification of context will be just a phrase , such as :
14 In effect , the merger will be more a takeover by the ISPA , who will acquire the American body 's assets and their administration .
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