Example sentences of "[noun sg] would be [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The renewal would be on an annual basis .
2 But life under Labour would be like a nuclear winter . ’
3 Over one year , a £10 a month investment would be worth a respectable £143.26 now , if it could have been placed in the same hypothetical fund .
4 The focus would move from the determination of who is legally right and from consideration of the reasonableness of the employer 's action in the circumstances of the individual dismissal to the location of the dispute firmly in the realms of industrial relations , rather than employment law , where the search would be for a workable and acceptable solution which took account of the wider context .
5 Simultaneously , the His15 and Arg17 side chains of HPr would separate and the active centre would take on the strained open conformation ( Fig. 2 a ) , ready for the next cycle ; formation of hydrogen bonds to His15 and Arg17 would help to stabilize the open conformation and the protein would be in an overall energy minimum .
6 Niner ( 1975 ) estimated from census data that some 250 applicants to Copeland Borough Council would be without a fixed bath or shower .
7 Any expenditure by the Regional Council would be from an identified Industrial Development Budget heading , and would be likely to form only a small proportion of the total project cost .
8 If this happened , the universe would be in an unstable state , with more energy than if the symmetry had been broken .
9 The Institute would be in a strong position , and the NVQ Committee would decide how assessments were to be done with a City and Guilds involvement .
10 And the erm the erm oil engine would be in a little shed outside the barn , and this shafting would be going through the wall .
11 The charge would be on a preceding year basis although if additional funds are added to the account the income arising from the additional funds will be assessed on the actual basis in the early years .
12 The eventual confirmation of Thomas , who succeeded black justice Thurgood Marshall , meant that the nine-member Supreme Court would be without a single liberal member for the first time in its modern history .
13 The reason given for refusal was ‘ The proposed development would be in a prominent location within Scorton , and its construction would be unduly obtrusive in the street picture and detrimental to the character and appearance of both the Scorton Conservation Area and the Forest of Bowland AONB ’ ( See council minutes PL113 )
14 ‘ I reckon his best chance would be as a goal-kicking winger but I do n't want him in this role for Widnes .
15 Therefore , the only basis on which we could have a property tax and valuation would be on a national banding system because that would be understandable and objective .
16 However , if UK rules are more stringent or more restrictive than French rules , the branch would be at an immediate competitive disadvantage against its local competition .
17 To my mind it 's a pity you did n't take that attitude when you were first made aware of the situation , because when I returned from next door you were still yelling your head off at her and painting a vivid picture of what her life would be with an illegitimate child tacked on to her .
18 An alternative and fairer approach would be for an incoming radical government to insist that each of the privatized industries should make a free issue of stock , by way of compensation for the sale of public assets at deflated prices .
19 Er er and there are i implications for you in as much that my simplistic idea would be that everything in terms of a subject would be on a separate sheet so that
20 ( A band of this stature would be worth a costly legal battle ) .
21 Another possible use for the program would be as an educational or training aid .
22 If asked where you would use a minor scale , the obvious answer would be over a minor chord , but if the chord was Am7£5 or Em7♭5 your choice of scale would have to be more precise .
23 When I was about ten years old , a trip to the village from the South end was a bigger thrill than a trip to a big city would be to a present day child , later working in the village as a teenager , the dances every Saturday and Monday night was enjoyment never to be forgot .
24 It 's still not uncommon to meet people who declare that if one were seated in a Parisian cafe , rather than a British pub , then the conversation would be on a different level .
25 If someone were to be left alone in one of these structures , not only would the physical senses be deprived , but the individual would be in a psychic atmosphere well suited to the encouragement of inspirational and prophetic experiences .
26 Authorities decided the only possible means of completing the transfer on time would be from a proper docking facility and requested the carrier be moved to nearby Glasgow for loading .
27 This energy would be in a complete mixture of forms , from long radio waves through light to highly energetic X-rays .
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