Example sentences of "[noun sg] would be [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 A gene regulating testis determination and derived from a common mammalian ancestor would be expected to be conserved in sequence between eutherians and marsupials and to map to the marsupial Y chromosome .
2 Moreover , a viral superantigen would be expected to be present in all HIV-infected patients , unless its activity depends on half the HLA phenotypes .
3 To note the work done by course team/module leaders in beginning to address ‘ enterprise skills ’ within a course but to note that further work would be required to be done .
4 The speaker of [ 14 ] was a newsreader on Radio 4 : In a Gricean framework ( Grice 1981 ) , a speaker who produces an utterance knowing in advance that the hearer will not be able to establish its relevance would be said to be deliberately flouting the maxim of relation in order to achieve a special effect .
5 If the testable condition evaluates to 1 , for example , the result of the test would be considered to be TRUE and the THEN part of the IF …
6 Telling a child that he or she is bad when they have behaved wrongly is common in the West , but as Susan Sontag has observed , it is unheard of in the East , where the child would be told to be ashamed of itself .
7 With openness , one could argue that the Institute would be seen to be discharging its obligations under statutory regulation and its charter .
8 So sometimes I wallop it in , sometime the the other one would stick his finger through the hole , and the riveter would be dying to be hitting it back he thought it was a drift you know .
9 The fact that there is a difference comes as no surprise , after all , a completely empty , uneventful drive through a junction would be expected to be both less memorable and less risky than an occasion when the junction was full of traffic .
10 Size of establishment would be expected to be related to amount of training undertaken though in practice many libraries ( and not only small libraries ) appeared to undertake both less training and far less systematic training than must be considered ideal given that all staff in any size library will have training needs :
11 If the performance were costed , the assumption that the retirement pension is not earned but an unreciprocated gift from the employed to the non-employed would be found to be untenable .
12 The margins applied to the spot rate would be said to be at a premium , premium because it makes the US$ more expensive in terms of sterling to enable the cost to be passed on .
13 The real interest rate would be estimated to be 5 per cent per annum .
14 As the OECD research group on traffic safety in residential areas has commented , ‘ signing regulations should be supported by engineering structural measures as enforcement would be expected to be minimal . ’
15 " Any woman would be honoured to be your wife . "
16 Over three-quarters of the recruitment would be expected to be from people already living in the Region .
17 Pilger would be allowed to be editor in chief , but to take the job he would have to resign from the Board of Directors .
18 Moreover , such a policy would be seen to be libertarian , in that it genuinely trusted people to spend their own money in ways they prefer , rather than trying to bribe them into centrally determined consumption patterns .
19 The first is the large difference between the cost of providing some services and the amount of benefit which under the Bill would be held to be received .
20 The fabric of our society would be seen to be the ridiculous thing it is .
21 In addition , coelocentesis does not involve puncture of the amniotic membrane and therefore the risk of direct trauma to the embryo or chronic amniotic fluid leakage would be expected to be lower than with amniocentesis .
22 An assessor would be needed to be brought into the workplace at a cost , or it would be necessary to go to an assessor .
23 Firstly , by what mechanism do patients or consumers become insured and , secondly how is health care supplied and paid for ? [ … ] under the pure Type 11 model described here , effectively all residents of a locality would be assumed to be ‘ insured ’ with their local health authority .
24 Lately , he had begun to think that evolution was something that would occur in the soul and , in time , the fripperies of science would be revealed to be dangerous toys .
25 Publicity would be restricted in time to twenty-one days and decisions would be reached within forty-two days , failing which an application would be deemed to be approved .
26 New Zealand copyright law is very similar to United Kingdom law , although , in the United States , it would be likely that the design features indicated in the specification would be considered to be an unprotectable idea .
27 If , as Brown and Harris ( 1978 ) suggested , early loss acts as a vulnerability factor , rather than being of aetiological significance in its own right , then the relationship between loss and depression would be expected to be strongest in the presence of a psychosocial stressor .
28 Sylvia would be acknowledged to be Burkett 's daughter , she would perform some small chores , but chiefly be explained away as evidence of Hope 's goodness of heart in giving his ‘ man 's ’ daughter the chance of a change of air .
29 In spite of the area president , Rosemary Sorrie , stating that there were developments afoot — and there is expected to be a major statement on FASL at the NFU 's annual meeting in Dundee next month — members said any changes to the scheme would be required to be made public more urgently .
30 If there were no genetic susceptibility then the incidence of schizophrenia in the second twin would be expected to be the same as in the general population .
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