Example sentences of "[noun sg] if [pron] have [not/n't] been " in BNC.

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1 So they must be paid all arrears of wages , granted full pension rights accruing through continuity of employment , and given any pay increases that would have been their due if they had not been dismissed .
2 Rufus stubbed out his second cigarette , put the paper into his briefcase and slung over his shoulders the marvellous black leather coat from Beltrami he had bought in Florence , which would have made him look like a gangster if he had not been so fair and ruddy-faced and with such blue , English eyes .
3 ‘ Yes , as I say , the worthy burghers of Oswaldston would not have asked me to spread the artistic products of my maturity before their admiring gaze if it had n't been for the Machin boom .
4 If the general practitioner pronounces the patient fit enough , he may be able to start driving a car again , although he may need to retake a driving test if he has not been able to drive for several months .
5 In order to give effect to the original intention of the Directive , the House of Lords held that the Regulations should be construed purposively and read as if after the words " immediately before the transfer " the following words were added " or would have been so employed at the time of the transfer if he had not been unfairly dismissed in the circumstances described in reg 8(1) " , ( ie for a reason in connection with the transfer ) .
6 ‘ No one understands loneliness if they have n't been married , ’ Lady Grubb said .
7 To achieve a reduction , however , the burden of proof rests upon the buyer to show that the seller would have been unable to comply with the essential terms of the contract if it had not been terminated , Gill & Duffus v. Berger & Co. ( 1984 H.L. ) .
8 The damages will be based on the amount the employee would or could have otherwise earned and the benefits he would have otherwise received during the unexpired term of his contract if he had not been dismissed .
9 I might have travelled at almost eight thousand inches an hour if it had n't been for the stops .
10 He felt he might even have given the captain a good run for his money if it had n't been for the damn man 's obvious advantage of height and weight .
11 ‘ It would have failed as a joke if they had n't been , would n't it ? ’
12 He would n't have got out in the first place if he had n't been , and when he calls up he sounds sharp .
13 For each tax year the net earnings after tax that would have been received by the plaintiff if he had not been injured should be calculated , and from this net figure should be deducted the net earnings that the plaintiff has in fact received : the difference is the plaintiff 's loss during the tax year .
14 It had been skinned , neatly eviscerated , and would have looked like any carcase in a butcher 's shop if it had n't been for the head .
15 And she might even have managed to survive that sort of difficult scenario if it had n't been for the alarming , almost intimidating atmosphere engendered by Ross .
16 Would she even have started the relationship if she had not been reasonably certain that in the end he would not leave his wife ?
17 Bumper stickers proclaim ‘ Honk if you have n't been indicted ’ .
18 In fact , afterwards the doctor told me that the training had probably helped and that I might have been in a lot more serious trouble if I had not been so fit .
19 Now people th people there , those people would have been in dire trouble if there had n't been somebody who could do that .
20 Floy thought he would have rather enjoyed this journey if it had not been for the nagging concern about Fenella , left behind in the giants ' hands .
21 She claims she would not have needed the operation if she had not been given too much of a drug to hasten the delivery .
22 ‘ I could have plugged the pilot if you had n't been in the way . ’
23 When that happened it meant he was drunk , sprawled out on the sofa if he had n't been able to reach the bed .
24 In the same way , we can question the substance and basis of our happiness if it has not been put to the test of suffering .
25 ‘ Well , if you do , do you think any of them would have signed this form if it had not been all in order and above board ? ’
26 ‘ Yes , the Gruagach would never have done such a thing if it had n't been suggested to them , ’ put in Feradach .
27 Might have been summer if it had n't been so cold .
28 There was love in that sofa , I said to George , love for which the Morrisons would have paid a fortune if he had n't been so prissy .
29 And that misuse of the aerosol sprays is probably responsible for about three thousand five hundred deaths , but I think you 've got to put that into perspective , first of all against the six thousand people who are killed on the roads every year in Britain , and you 've also got to set it against our estimate that there are more than a quarter of a million people alive today who would have died in childhood if it had n't been specifically for the advantage of being able to take medicines , anti-biotics generally in their childhood to keep them alive .
30 In general , it has been accepted that people can take on part-time work in this way if it has not been their usual employment pattern .
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