Example sentences of "[noun sg] has [vb pp] [adv] from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Evidence which also points in the same direction has come not from critics but from within the Kandel group itself .
2 And on Wednesday Judy Robinson is set to leave the Grey Horse pub , Bank Top Judy 's rent has gone up from £13,000 to £25,000 .
3 Unfortunately , like much jargon , the term has arisen partly from people who needed a term to express what they were actually doing and partly from suppliers seeking a new vehicle to act as a stimulant for their products .
4 Help has come partly from donations , but cash for a resistance movement in a drawn out conflict could come from the Kuwait investment office ; it has a hundred billion dollars in foreign assets .
5 The evening sun has burst out from cloud over London and flooded the fronts of the houses in the lane with a mature and contented light .
6 Citrus fruit consumption has gone up from 2.70oz per person per week in 1982 for oranges to 2.99oz , and for other citrus fruits from 1.72oz to 2.19oz .
7 Salad consumption has gone up from 1.44oz to 1.89oz per week .
8 ‘ Top class sport has taken over from war .
9 Over the last five years criminal legal aid has soared from £25 million to £47 million while advice and assistance has gone up from £5.9 million to £15.4 million .
10 Over the last 20 years a pint of milk has increased five-fold from 5p to 26p today , and a loaf of bread has gone up from 10p to 47p .
11 After just two days on the market , the software group has shot up from 70p to 113p — great news for the institutions who got in on the ground floor .
12 But further confirmation of the agency discrimination against the area was provided by another contributor who said that the IDB has run away from Belfast and is out around Newtownabbey , Newtownards and Castlereagh .
13 The pendulum has swung away from safety to economics .
14 ‘ AEA as an organisation has benefited tremendously from Mr Grewcock 's work .
15 THE EXCITING new astronomical knowledge we have gained over the past decade has come largely from satellites .
16 LABOUR 'S front bench has stayed away from Livingstone 's constituency , where he has a slender majority of 1,653 .
17 Although the original inspiration for this latest ‘ anti-fashion ’ movement has come largely from London street style ( and not its designers ) , the mood is being nurtured and developed in Paris and northern Europe .
18 Within 40 years , plastic has taken over from glass , metal and paper as the material of choice in many sectors .
19 The 26-year-old midfielder has flown home from Italy while recovering from a knee operation to help in the kitchen of his wife Rachel 's Italian restaurant Amici Mia in Wolverhampton .
20 The economic recession of the late 1970s has meant not only that government funds have become even more scarce for such policies but also that government and public concern has shifted away from issues of inequality to concentrate on the problems of productivity and economic growth .
21 The share of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union has edged up from 9% to 11% .
22 Pietro has flown in from London and he 's assured me that as soon as the gang make contact the matter will be resolved without further delay .
23 The comic has travelled far from schoolboy stories of daring-do to sophisticated art form .
24 Information has come in from readers , amused , serious and knowledgeable .
25 But over time the Conservative party divisions on economic policy became less marked , partly because of electoral success and partly because unemployment has fallen steadily from June 1986 .
26 Electricity has taken over from steam and gas , and the present output fluctuates between 3 and 5 million gallons per week .
27 Mr Bradfield 's arguments reflect the two reasons why the ASB has moved away from SSAP 6 .
28 AN appeal has gone out from Buxton Opera House where organisers of the BNFL-backed Questfest are asking for the loan of a Clavinova electric piano full-size keyboard .
29 The prison has suffered regularly from fire incidents with lighted material being thrown from cell windows .
30 The treatment of human and animal disease has benefited substantially from experiments carried out on animals .
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