Example sentences of "[noun sg] has [be] [vb pp] by [det] " in BNC.

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1 That technique has been considered by many interested in waste management , because it achieves considerably higher volumes of reduction than incineration , and seems to offer good prospects for even better pollution control standards .
2 Bird-watching has been used by many researchers to study children 's behaviour .
3 This route has been followed by many of our European competitors — notably Germany .
4 The ability of a prime minister effectively to call a general election has been regarded by some writers as the most important weapon in ensuring parliamentary support .
5 It might be argued that this function has been coopted by such purposive ( indeed , allegedly manipulative ) schemes as the Youth Training Scheme .
6 A possible Christian presence has been suggested by several fourth century burials in the Northover cemetery , because of their east-west orientation and similarities with Poundbury , but this evidence is insufficiently conclusive .
7 The Quality Framework described in this Update has been shaped by those responses .
8 Induction cooking has been hailed by many as the cooking revolution .
9 That is best illustrated by the fact that a similar case has been referred by another GP in north Devon to the same unit in Birmingham .
10 Thus the inception of a new focus for the study of chronology has been promoted by such stimulating developments and Bowen ( 1979 ) points out that the CLIMAP group have discovered significant evidence which supports the idea that the immediate future is one of adverse orbital geometry and general cooling and hence that ‘ the prediction of the future must rest on the past in the present ’ ( Bowen , 1979 , p. 181 ) .
11 It is wise to bear in mind that similar reasoning has been used by many others — so much so that much of our supposed ‘ knowledge ’ of the history of English phonology is filtered through this kind of reasoning .
12 Spalding concludes that , with few exceptions , such as the tin miners in Bolivia , labour has been coopted by these mechanisms and not proved itself to be a revolutionary force .
13 Ritual has been regarded by several anthropologists as a social event in which pent-up emotions can find some form of release .
14 He also put more emphasis on public worship , prayers , and the sacraments than most of his contemporaries , and played down the role of preaching as a means of edification ; for these reasons , Hooker has been seen by some ecclesiastical historians such as Peter Lake as ‘ close to the ideological origins of Arminianism ’ .
15 If the dismissed employee has been replaced by another employee this usually means redundancy .
16 The effect of pure ethanol on gastric acid secretion has been investigated by several workers .
17 In recent weeks the force has been accused by some in the Protestant community of being ineffective in the fight against the IRA , and by some Catholics of being less vigorous in tackling loyalist violence .
18 The Oxfordshire Club has been described by some experts as unique and a course for the twenty first century … what makes it so special is a mixture of three styles … of classic English with trees … of links with sand dunes … and of American type holes landscaped by lakes … it 's been designed by Rees Jones
19 The proposal has been welcomed by some local councillors .
20 A large roadside car park has been made and from it a track has been worn to the saddle on the ridge ; the steep climb has been helped by this path formed since my first visit .
21 Coronary vasoconstriction has been suggested by several case-reports but full cardiac investigations have seldom been carried out .
22 Marlborough 's art work has been accused by some critics of being too prescribed , a charge Robin Child refutes , insisting that ‘ there has to be a starting point , a language learnt ’ .
23 Unless there is a contract governing the transaction , it is suggested that when the conveyance or transfer has been executed by all parties a completion date should be arranged so that the necessary searches can be made by reference to that date and the matter completed .
24 So ‘ bureaucratic ’ pluralism has been used by some in recognizing the more important role of Japanese civil servants ; this has been further qualified as ‘ bureaucratic-inclusionary ’ pluralism to suggest that the widest possible range of citizen consultation is used to assess the national interest .
25 The campaign has been denounced by some leftwing union activists as a diversion from the need for industrial action .
26 The use of sacred measure and proportion has been developed by many researchers to postulate a geometrical pattern across the land , extending Watkins ' ley theory into wider concepts of ‘ landscape geometry ’ , and we have already looked at the work of Tyler , Lawton and Koop in exploring wider patterns .
27 Over the last 12 years , he claims , the council has been short-changed by that amount on its housing allocation demands .
28 Sport has been called by many , including such opposing writers as Robert Boyle ( 1963 ) and Paul Hoch ( 1972 ) , a ‘ mirror ’ reflecting , in often exaggerated ways , aspects of social life .
29 The playground has been built by another Hereford firm , who say it 's been quite a challenge .
30 The Second World War has been seen by some as a kind of watershed , with the post-war period being morally inferior to the ‘ full rich back street life and culture of pre-war England ’ .
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