Example sentences of "[noun sg] have given [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 IN Washington 's superb bookshops , which stay open all night and serve coffee and bagels , tomes on the Cold War have given way to a new theme : the prospect of a trade war between the three great economic blocs — Japan , the US and the European Community .
2 In particular , the traditional , if untheorized , distinction between serious literature and ‘ rubbish ’ has broken down ; as Franco Fortini said , the occasional slummings of the aristocratic writer of the past have given way to a situation in which we all live off the ‘ guano ’ which our society produces day by day ( Cadioli and Peresson 1984 : 85 ) .
3 As most average families are in the bottom 60 per cent. , does not that show that the Government have given money to the rich at the expense of ordinary families ?
4 Above all , the theorists would seek to show the social psychological dynamics by which the unique features of advanced capitalist society have given rise to the particularities of modern consciousness , or social representations .
5 Nevertheless , this supposed trait and their tight , curly hair have given rise to the use of the name ‘ Poodle cats ’ as a popular term for them .
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