Example sentences of "[noun sg] would [verb] to [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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31 Kaplan 's theory would seem to be the-more plausible of the two , in that it does not depend on parents transmitting the results of their learning to their children ; instead , it can be explained purely in terms of human curiosity .
32 Surely no topic would seem to be less down the alley of this intellectually peripatetic social scientist .
33 Such a strategy would have to be very carefully designed , however , if it were not to result in a huge explosion of word hypotheses .
34 Alternative architectures including some parallelisation would appear to be very useful for this situation ( see figure 6.2 ) .
35 The statement also recognised that , in terms of accuracy , integrity , consistency and up-to-date status , the quality of the index would need to be extremely high .
36 Any military response would have to be closely co-ordinated with the allies .
37 Such a decision would need to be clearly defined in terms of a line dividing what was acceptable from what was not .
38 Manager Mickey Duff refused to discuss the likely opponent for that date , saying that Thursday 's fight would have to be safely overcome first by Wharton .
39 If asked where you would use a minor scale , the obvious answer would be over a minor chord , but if the chord was Am7£5 or Em7♭5 your choice of scale would have to be more precise .
40 A man would have to be totally deficient in imagination to fail to be struck with a kind of horror and awe .
41 Silicon-based life would have to be very different from ‘ life as we know it ’ ; to take just a single example , whereas we exhale carbon dioxide , an oxygen-oriented silicon lifeform would perforce have to exhale silicon dioxide ( silica ) — a painful experience !
42 ‘ The attack would appear to be totally motiveless with very worrying overtones .
43 Which meant that net of tax you would , y your , your yield would have to be about eight hundred in order to , net of tax , give you just under seven hundred .
44 The pope did not send him a pallium until June 634 and , given the long-standing papal concern with the well-being of the church of Canterbury , a three-year interval between Honorius ' appointment and the sending of a pallium would seem to be rather a long time .
45 The resulting fear and frustration would seem to be more in line with the mockery of the devil .
46 Some Africans have suggested that the Church would cease to be truly catholic , universal , from the moment when , for disciplinary reasons only , she would refuse to acknowledge the realities which constitute the life-style of non-mediterranean people .
47 In the case of the work of the Mexican Alberto Gironella , the reason would seem to be precisely because of his insistent concentration on art of a very different category — that of Spain during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , particularly court portraiture .
48 There are cases where variant readings of a single lexical form would seem to be more appropriately visualised as points on a continuum — a seamless fabric of meaning with no clear boundaries .
49 When so large a part of modern politics , above all in America , is concerned with policies which an insight into the psychology of envy would reveal to be inherently futile , it is perhaps not surprising that the study of that psychology has been instinctively or deliberately neglected .
50 Apart from perhaps being of interest to people who make a lot of overseas telephone calls , and need to know what time it is in New York when its ' 11am in London , for example , this program would seem to be very limited in its usefulness .
51 Apart from perhaps being of interest to people who make a lot of overseas telephone calls , and need to know what time it is in New York when its ' 11am in London , for example , this program would seem to be very limited in its usefulness .
52 ‘ Impossible , I should think ; the shot would have to be very tightly bunched to miss the material altogether and still have it scorched by the blast .
53 The method of compartmentation would not , of course , be brought into action until a delay period had elapsed to permit the escape of personnel , and the timing of the foam application would need to be carefully controlled in order to leave sufficient time to permit the foam to fill the volume before the fire took substantial hold .
54 Each element of the array could be a fixed length character string , but this would be quite wasteful of memory as this fixed length would have to be enough to fit the longest word in the list .
55 Really the only reason I could think of when it 's you know it is important to put things on paper are really like the last three bits that we talked the last three things we talked about which detailed information would need to be there so people can read it when you know it 's got to get to a lot people not all in the same place at the same time or when it 's you need a copy .
56 This is because , first , the duty would appear to be effectively unenforceable .
57 Therefore i if we , if he done that then that paragraph would seem to be slightly and the second point was really to ask if there was any further update on the progress in terms of negotiations in Surrey and East Sussex er in terms of this erm particular by-pass and I know that Mr in particular has been concerned with negotiations and Mrs also erm Mrs is not here therefore as Mr could advise me for us o of where we 're at really , so that we fully understand because obviously the the line of the by-pass is very important so far as any further development is is concerned .
58 Small-group methods , individual audio-visual programmes , computer-assisted instruction and direct online training would seem to be particularly suitable for online education .
59 The White Paper also recognized publicly for the first time a stark fact that was becoming increasingly obvious : that with the steep decline in the birth rate the number of teachers in training would have to be sharply reduced to avoid a gross overproduction of teachers .
60 Mr Beckett makes the point that before embarking on such a venture the land would need to be fully assessed to determine the stocking rate .
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