Example sentences of "[noun sg] there be go [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 What she did say was , ‘ In future there 's going to be a new rule : you 're going to have your bath before your daddy comes home . ’
2 We live in a technological age , and there are going to be major changes without a doubt , we 've all seen them over the past few decades , and into the future there are going to be many major changes .
3 There 's fear hanging over everybody with the local government review there 's going to be mass redundancies .
4 In fact radio is alive , kicking and expanding , and there are thousands of hours of radio going out , locally particularly , and every indication there are going to be more and more community radio stations in the future , and this is hungry time for material , so lots of opportunities in that particular way , at this stage .
5 I think the long term results of this are entirely good , but in the short term there 's going to be major instability , making life possibly quite nasty for everyone .
6 in my opinion there 's going to be funny things happen to the market in a year or so .
7 And if you do choose to use teacher-in-role there are going to be many occasions when you 'll have to step out of role to reflect on the work .
8 Of course there are going to be times in your life when you feel sad or unhappy and , at such times , it is perfectly natural to cry .
9 And whichever way she looked at Jessie 's case there was going to be trouble , deep trouble , awful trouble , frightening trouble .
10 Well there 's going to be apart from your father there 's going to be seven adults .
11 I 've got a theory I have a feeling there 's going to be a great revival of people with a Quakered mind way of thinking .
12 Next month there 's going to be an international conference around reproductive technologies and genetic engineering specifically to bring together the work that women in India are doing against sterilization abuse and population control with the work the women in the West are doing around genetic experimentation and invitro fertilization and egg farming — some of the anti-women scientific advances .
13 after losing in the cup there 's going to be changes …
14 bit this traffic because there 's snow falling all over the county there are going to be people erm in all sorts of er er problems .
15 This year there are going to be at least seven conferences , organised by the fan clubs around the country .
16 Because even in a more refined system there is going to be a stage where issues can not be resolved by analysis or delicate agreement and can only be resolved by crude political battering .
17 Right because certainly er this this is er wherever you go in the country there are going to be medical practices and schools , golf clubs start to get restr more restricted and estate agents strangely enough still are widely spread up in Scotland here .
18 We ’ d had an idea there was going to be trouble but the fire took us by surprise
19 Erm the two litre size is we i the vast majority of the market there is going to be on the doorstep and we feel that we could get away with a premium price because of that .
20 Now they were perfectly entitled to claim this but this was going to confuse the jury and the jury would also be confuse by the fact there was going to be no mention of the fact which everybody was aware of that the men claim that they were beaten up while they were in custody .
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