Example sentences of "[noun sg] there [vb -s] [be] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As a result there has been bitter criticism of the local authorities and much disappointment among the disabled and their families .
2 However , despite a varied programme there has been great difficulty in gathering support for the other functions and indeed the last one had to be cancelled .
3 Though recent instruments like the new SZ zoom stereos are designed to be readily fitted to a range of different equipment there has been increasing demand in recent years for custom equipment and his has led to customer specific modular configurations for individual projects .
4 Over the past decade there has been enormous progress in our understanding of how cells use calcium to regulate their activity .
5 In the Galloway there has been strong discrimination against red , to the extent that red animals have been falsely maligned as ‘ poor doers ’ , and today the red varieties probably have Devon , South Devon , Red Poll or Shorthorn blood .
6 Notwithstanding problems of this kind there has been undoubted improvement in VDU design and it has been speculated that trade union pressure for high design standards has been a major stimulus to companies marketing their products on the basis of user acceptability . "
7 In the area of assessment there has been considerable debate in recent years among Catholic teachers .
8 Since early morning there has been intermittent drumming in different parts of the village and the echo rolls round the valley like the stifled rumblings of a caged lion .
9 In the past there has been considerable dispute between teachers and their employers over the teachers ' role in the collecting of dinner money and the supervision of children during the mid-day break .
10 This is one reason there has been rampant speculation about foreign involvement in the bombings .
11 has responded to those by , for example , over this year there has been closed circuit television at one of the Park and Rides — I think it 's Thornhill — in consultation with the Police , and the Police have told us that that has reduced the number of crimes that have occurred and we have put
12 Apart from these four principal strategies , there is one further experiment in Buxtehude over whose implementation there has been considerable controversy .
13 At the same time there has been strong pressure from MPs to allow the House of Commons to play a more effective role in these matters .
14 Widespread complaints of poor management and excessive service charges led to the establishment … [ of ] the " Nugee Committee " … at the same time there has been ever-increasing concern with the difficulties which confront leaseholders in selling leases whose outstanding periods have decreased significantly since their grant .
15 However in the mid 1970 's a position detection scheme which used the motor windings as sensors was proposed ( Frus and Kuo , 1976 ; Jufer , 1976 ) , and since that time there has been steady development of the basic idea .
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