Example sentences of "[noun sg] she [verb] she have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The world must wait however to discover whether Kylie will be cast as some lovelorn , tragic Juliet to Jason 's Romeo or whether her musical will , in the mould of The Delinquents , be a rock and roll high school blockbuster , like Grease , the movie she admits she has loved since her Melbourne childhood .
2 Watching her reflection in the viewport she knew she 'd failed .
3 There were no doors in the walls , but she could tell from the noise that the building she thought she had come out of was a pub .
4 Love for her sister won , as in her heart she supposed she 'd known that it would .
5 And yet for a moment in the kitchen she thought she 'd caught a fleeting expression almost of smugness on his face , as though something had pleased him .
6 She was listening for a new noise , the noise she thought she 'd heard on the way out to Chateaubriand : the irregular tapping of the axis lock crystal , jumping in its housing .
7 No matter what Louise might think of her tactics in dealing with this crisis she believed she had handled the situation in the best way possible .
8 Lydia went to find a bottle of some Czechoslovakian wine she said she had discovered .
9 You know , one minute I 'm thinking Marie 's my girlfriend , and then all of a sudden she says she 's got a husband and that .
10 For the first time in her life she felt she had outdone Paula , who had never , ever , arrived home in a taxi !
11 At the river she knows she 's got to cross ,
12 Upon recovery in hospital she said she had intended to kill herself .
13 Ruth summoned some inner strength she thought she had exhausted .
14 She had to walk all the way to Clerkenwell with a canvas bag containing all her belongings , and her feet dragged as she grew more reluctant every minute to face the destitution she thought she had left behind for ever .
15 ‘ Thank you , Melissa , ’ he said quietly and this time she knew she had reached him .
16 Yet , at the same time she knew she had laid herself open for such a reply .
17 Each time she thought she had caught hold of the essential man he turned out to be as nebulous as the sea mist drifting through her fingers .
18 I says , one time she thought she 'd lost you and kids .
19 As Creggan and Kraal continued to tell their dearest memories , night began to fall and Minch began to plan out what she would do in the limited time she felt she had left to her .
20 It was a lame apology , but as she plunged into the cooler shadow of the house she knew she 'd used the first excuse which sprang to mind .
21 If you 've got responsibilities of a family and you 've got to keep them , then , as a mother she knows she 's got her children to look
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