Example sentences of "[noun sg] she [verb] [pers pn] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If they sent an ambulance she supposed she would get into it , but if they did not , then she would leave it because she did not have the energy to take herself to hospital .
2 His eyes narrowed , and for a second she thought he 'd refuse to follow her lead , but to her relief he shrugged .
3 He was still barring the doorway , and for a second she thought he 'd refuse to move .
4 Well , now he had gone to find her , but if his Eileen was really an angel she doubted they would meet , for Paddy had been no saint .
5 Paige looked down , knowing that whatever decision she made he would abide by .
6 For one awful moment she feared he would strike her ; instead he looked down at her , his contempt far more painful than a blow .
7 For a moment she thought he would refuse , then he shrugged .
8 Downstairs , Alain was walking about , switching off lights , locking the door , and for a wild moment she thought he would come back here to her .
9 For a moment she thought she would find the courage to say something about it , but then she realised that the timing was all wrong .
10 At the moment she felt she would attempt to kill him .
11 It was at that time that I interviewed David 's mother , Margaret Jones , who recalled a three-year-old David discovering a bag of make-up in an upstairs room and plastering himself with it , and how at one point she thought he would become a ballet dancer .
12 She could have asked Dorothy of course , Dorothy knew about these things , but she could n't face the look of exasperation she knew she 'd get , the telling-off .
13 As she plodded through her notes she decided that at the end of the month she would hand in her notice , and on the day she left she would brandish Elise 's diary before his eyes .
14 ‘ It was Faye , dear , silly Faye , with her ridiculous attempt to doll you up into the sort of woman she thought I 'd want .
15 In the life she led it would have been all too easy to succumb to the myriad temptations on offer , but she had seen them for the shallow , worthless things they were , and valued her self-respect too highly to accept dross when she knew she must seek for gold .
16 But beneath the surface of resolution she knew he would regain his former self and enjoy again the shame of his surreptitious ways .
17 There was no man but one who could trouble her rest ever again , and whatever disorder or ordeal he cast into her path she knew she would go gladly , and gather like flowers .
18 She would have given anything for a glimpse of the moon that had been shining when she was here before , but it was not there , and as the knocking gathered strength she realised she would have to go down .
19 And the way she talks you 'd think she 's destitute would n't you ?
20 In the course of the evening a note was handed in from Mrs Campbell of Jura House saying she had heard of our arrival and as she was sure there was no comfort in the Hotel she hoped we would come there in the morning and stay with them while we were on the island , assuring us also that she would do all in her power to further the cause for which we had come .
21 As she ate her treat she announced she would pay the mortuary a visit directly she 'd finished her tea .
22 This might be his idea of an escape , but in Daine 's position she thought she 'd go zoidal .
23 And if Paula should tell her mother she thought she would die of shame !
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