Example sentences of "[noun sg] she [verb] [adv] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Without a backward glance she walked slowly towards his table .
2 And when again Millie stood close by her side she looked down on her and said , ‘ Never try to be funny at other people 's expense .
3 As she picked up her third sandwich she looked across at him , slightly self-conscious about her ravenous appetite .
4 And the picnic she put up for us was first-rate .
5 To Bernard alone Laura admitted she was unable to compromise , a talent she rated highly in him but was unable to foster in herself .
6 But Dawn Run was not a horse to give in meekly , and as the four came round into the straight she stuck resolutely to her guns .
7 ‘ You 're doing fine , ’ he assured her , and with a curt nod she went back to her work .
8 With another wistful sigh she sat back in her seat .
9 With a sigh she slumped back into herself , shoulders hunched .
10 What the one behind the bar she goes out with him ?
11 She thought of the dream she had sometimes in which she was leaning over a bridge and watching herself drown , watching herself slip down under the clear water and not giving a damn .
12 With difficulty she glanced away from his dark compelling gaze .
13 You can only watch helplessly as your child screws up her face , stamps her feet and screams because she ca n't take the toy she wants home with her , or have that alluring packet of sweets she 's seen before tea .
14 Piers was nowhere to be seen , and without his presence in the kitchen she thought carefully about what she was going to do with the bits of chicken and the assortment of vegetables .
15 In this case she went back to her third birthday .
16 An insider on the set said : ‘ You can bet there was a hefty accident bonus written into her contract — just in case she landed squarely on her assets and permanently damaged the goods . ’
17 I think that 's disgusting going abroad taking chi , a child that 's got chicken pox abroad and the other one she could be incubating the disease any way I bet you any mo money she comes down with it as well
18 It was just a bedsit she had early in our marriage when we parted for a while .
19 At the time of the trial she fled back to her wealthy family in Malaysia .
20 For a long moment she gazed back at him , feeling an inexplicable and totally uncharacteristic desire to do just that .
21 For that matter , she might not have been far out in thinking him impudent ; his manner was innocence itself , his deference if anything delicately overdone , as though he were ready to come down off his high horse the moment she came down off hers , and did n't anticipate that the descent need be long delayed .
22 After a moment she looked up from her plate and directly at her father , ‘ Yes , Pappy .
23 For a moment she looked accusingly at his abundant hair , his olive skin , his blameless eyes .
24 For a moment she stared up at him , her fists clenched at her sides , her grey eyes filled with a crystalline chill totally at variance with the molten rage that consumed her .
25 For a moment she stared up at him through glistening eyes , soothed by his hands and the deep sound of his voice .
26 At the last moment she twisted away from him and ran back towards the orderlies .
27 For modesty 's sake she got out of her clothes and into her night clothes , and , taking her black dress with her , she left her room , crossed the sitting-room , and hung her dress in the spacious wardrobes in the lobby .
28 Your grandma she said today to me
29 With new confidence she looked back at him .
30 On the Saturday evening she dressed carefully in her favourite of the outfits Thomas had bought her : the white silk shirt with its lace collar and cuffs and a full blue skirt .
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