Example sentences of "[noun sg] which she have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Finally she smiled at her image reflected in her mirror , a small bubble of excitement beginning to build inside as she decided whether or not to wear a gilt necklace with a resin pendant by Pellini which she 'd found at Liberty .
2 The grief which she had shown over the death of her father seemed to have been replaced by a kind of nervous irritability .
3 She remembered only two things about New York with affection : the man at Pennsylvania Station , perched high in a little glass box , who announced the trains in the rhythm of a square dance , and the man who returned her purse which she 'd dropped on the platform — a black man .
4 Merrill was drying her hair on Saturday afternoon when Diane from the next flat knocked at the door and held out a letter addressed to Merrill , explaining that it had been included with her junk mail which she had ignored until a moment ago .
5 She rummaged through the assorted pile , looking for her new lipstick and perfume , and spotted the mail which she had collected from the postman first thing , on her way to the shops .
6 Florrie was affectionately known as ‘ Hairpin' Axford through her use of a large hairpin which she had removed from her hair on more than one occasion to ‘ make a point ’ , as she herself described it .
7 Everything seemed to remind her of him : the jade T-shirt which she 'd worn on that happy day they 'd spent on the beach ; a phrase of music on the radio which they 'd listened to together ; and even baking a chocolate cake for the children had almost broken her up when she 'd remembered how much he 'd enjoyed the one she had made in New York .
8 Even in her sleepy morning daze the first sight of the nursery lifted her heart ; the nursing chair with its back decorated with rabbits ; the matching changing table fitted with drawers for the baby 's things ; the wicker cot in its stand which she had lined with a pink , blue and white flowered cotton to match the curtains ; the bright fringe of nursery-rhyme characters which Clifford had pasted round the wall .
9 Her only regret was that Dr Neil did not buy the Clarion Cry so that so far the only piece of her work which she had seen in print was the one which she had written before she had arrived in the East End .
10 To be as fair to her as is possible , it can at least be said that the work which she had plagiarized on her behalf ( since she had neither the time nor the inclination to copy it herself ) was generally of good standard .
11 Since those days she has done a great deal of work with Steven Berkoff — particularly in his play for two people , Decadence which she has played in London , Los Angeles and Dublin .
12 Her one-third ownership of the home which she had shared with her daughter and son-in-law was identified as an asset which would be realised to help meet the charges .
13 He had his ships and politics , she had her piano which she had practised for over twenty years , so now let the dream come true .
14 His unexpected decision made SLFP leader Sirimavo Bandaranaike conclude , when the House met on Oct. 9 , that there was no point in pursuing the motion of no confidence which she had tabled against Premadasa himself .
15 Aquino 's decision to press the case — and to undergo a ferocious and lengthy cross-examination — was seen by some to have needlessly exposed her already tarnished public image to further damage , whilst others applauded it as further proof of the tenacious courage which she had displayed in opposing Marcos .
16 Somehow Dr Neil 's touch did not seem to affect her as badly as that of most men , even though in the cab home sitting so near to him nearly brought on the kind of faintness which she had felt on the walk home from church .
17 The Everqueen herself gifted him with a heart-shaped broach which she had woven with enchantments for his safe return .
18 Her real destination was Fleet Street and the offices of the weekly Clarion Cry , but she could hardly inform Dr Neil or Matey of that interesting fact — it did n't quite fit the sad picture which she had drawn of the friendless , abandoned orphan without employment — not that the money which she earned from the Clarion would have kept her .
19 ( left ) is a key member of the laboratory staff with knowledge which she has acquired through 28 years of barley and malt analysis .
20 The guilt which she had felt over her feelings about the amniocentesis test assailed her once again .
21 All her fifteen combed and scrubbed years rose up in an endless vista of baths and shampoos and clean underwear ; a cortege of full baths in which she had washed herself , a slithering file of bars of soap which she had rubbed to nothing against her flesh .
22 He had adopted his slighting manner , he knew , to protect himself from the attraction which she had possessed for him from the first moment that he had seen her .
23 When she had finished hanging out the washing , before she went for the weekly shop at SavaCentre , Sara applied her lipstick , and around her throat she squirted the toilet water which she had had for three years and never before used .
24 Jane gave it a tin of meat which she had found plus — with great relief — the tin opener .
25 Mr Perren tells me : ‘ By happy coincidence , on the very same day Ruth Prawer Jhabvala was in Bath on a film set too — the Merchant Ivory movie of The Remains Of The Day which she has scripted from the Kazuo Ishiguro novel . ’
26 While they drank to celebrate the arrangement , Mrs Corney told Mr Bumble about old Sally 's death , and the unknown gold object which she had stolen from the dead body of the young woman .
27 Furious but civil , he had offered to go round to her flat to see her , an offer which she had declined with the first sign of decisiveness she had been heard to display .
28 She did not pause for an answer , but bent down and snatched up a roll of paper which she had placed on the floor beside her when she first sat down .
29 she gave the example of a hedgehog pattern which she had used on a sweater .
30 20–6 Mrs McIver , wife of the Moderator , asked to be relieved of the duty of leader of praise which she had undertaken for the past two years .
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