Example sentences of "[noun sg] which [is] [adv] [adj -er] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Subsequent to this there is an amplified second phase of neutrophil chemotaxis which is much greater than the original .
2 In some areas we have measured a contamination which is much bigger than in the Minimata incident in the Japan .
3 His view that letting children run in and out of busy airports smartly avoiding the traffic is perfectly reasonable depends upon a conception of a child which is far narrower than even the sex divide .
4 Finally , the appeal to the Privy Council encounters a further hurdle , in the shape of the long-established reluctance of the Board to interfere where the appeal is brought by special leave , except in cases of a serious miscarriage of justice , a reluctance which is even greater where the appeal is concerned with matters of procedure .
5 That satisfies my sexual need which is actually stronger than some of my friends , and it 's often enough to take the edge off him .
6 The metal may be somewhat brittle after this but a final tempering process ( heating to a moderate temperature , followed by slow cooling ) relieves the internal stresses , leaving a hard and durable finished product which is mechanically stronger than bronze .
7 The confusion over the party 's policy direction in the wake of last week 's speech by the Labour leader , John Smith , is now expected to result in a statement from the Scottish executive during the conference debate on water which is much stronger than any of the resolutions submitted .
8 This year it 's extended far further than usual , and you 've got hundreds of thousands of square miles of water which is much warmer than usual in the Pacific .
9 By alloying tin with copper to make bronze we obtain a metal which is much tougher than copper alone .
10 The Financial Times itself , the er trading profit was up ten percent , despite having to cope with an advertisement volume which is now higher than during the er seventy four recession .
11 One new feature of general SVQs is that they recognise performance which is significantly better than that required to prove competence .
12 Cool for 1 minute , then trim using a plain pastry cutter which is slightly larger than the biscuits .
13 In some cases this would not matter to much , however there could very well be serious implications of operating a component at a potential which is appreciably greater than its rated voltage .
14 When you do , the first notable sight along the road is the small church of Gotein , two miles below Mauléon , which has a particularly good clocher-calvaire or saw-toothed bell-wall with , at the foot of it , a porch which is actually wider than the nave of the church itself and a covered wooden staircase going up the side .
15 In our patients stone recurrence was 5.7% at one year which is somewhat lower than the recurrence rate observed by the Munich group : 11% at one year and 15% at two years .
16 If he is n't prepared to do that then he must accept the workings of a system which is much fairer than the system which was previously enforced .
17 The burrow , on the other hand , may be just one section of a warren or it may be a single burrow system which is much smaller than a warren and exists in isolation from other rabbit holes .
18 The baggy suede jacket over a cashmere jacket , costly jeans and light brogues all bespeak a casual wardrobe allowance which is probably greater than the amount most people spend on a new car .
19 Mr. Arlidge 's argument is as follows : The word ‘ defer ’ in this context means ‘ put off ’ or ‘ postpone ’ or ‘ delay ’ and that if a trial takes place after a time which is obviously longer than that normally required for the preparation of a trial of that nature , then there has been the kind of delay prohibited by the statute .
20 Well if we 're looking in the wrong Emmy , if we 're looking at at general er spread-shot advertising , i we 're in a market which is much tougher than we we sometimes appreciate .
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