Example sentences of "[noun sg] but [art] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 It means that the starting point for the plan is not a strategic concept of the future but an assessment of the resources of the present .
2 It was not an anomaly but an abuse of the system .
3 So it 's not his his fault but a lot of the training that we have to deliver is to do with procedures that he had n't dealt with whereas a lot of the procedures are things that I 'm familiar with there 's only some the job centre stuff
4 In this case , it turned out not to be the theory at fault but the description of the initial conditions , which did not include a consideration of the yet-to-be-discovered planet Neptune .
5 The negotiations were inconclusive on the main issue of secession but a relaxation of the blockade was agreed and a commitment made for future talks aimed at a final settlement .
6 Some reports suggested a death toll as high as 150-200 in Mali and perhaps twice that number in Niger , in what was increasingly described as a separatist rebellion , although other reports suggested that in Mali at least the objective of anti-government elements was not independence for the north-east but the overthrow of the government in Bamako .
7 In 1985 the winner of the election was Dr Paz Estenssoro , three times President but no friend of the people .
8 Several , indeed most , of the programs have consistently out-performed PageMaker 's typography but the launch of the latest version , 4.0 , at the beginning of February may change that .
9 Government ministers portrayed him ‘ not only as a champion of the law but a defender of the rights of workers not to unionise ’ ( Scraton , 1985b:158 ) .
10 That was not indexation but a recognition of the fact that , if an exemption is to be made , it should be at a sensible and workable level .
11 One response to this has been to challenge the position of the majority in the province by suggesting that it is not the population of the province who should decide the issues at stake but the population of the whole of Ireland .
12 He says the whole initiative is worthwhile and will be of great benefit but the loss of the Dickensian character of the area would be detrimental .
13 The tax system extensively encouraged all peasant owners to settle down and get rich because the tax rate remained fixed on grain output from each household but the adjustment of the tax rate was more advantageous to the rich peasant than the poor , especially in view of the fact that the rich peasant still owned proportionately more land than the poor peasant .
14 Economists said trade figures did not yet reflect much of the yen 's recent rise against the dollar but the effect of the yen 's rise could figure in the March and April trade figures .
15 The King 's company apparently had lost the original licensed manuscript but the Master of the Revels was prepared to accept the word of the company manager John Heminge ( one of the First Folio 's editors ) that ‘ there was nothing profane added or reformed ’ .
16 Crime in general is not , therefore , a product of worklessness but a product of the way in which a capitalist mode of production sets man against man and ‘ systematically ’ prioritizes individual self interest as rational social practice .
17 The crucial issue , union reps say , is not so much the imposition of a maximum 1.5 per cent increase in line with the rest of the public sector but the abandonment of the all-party agreement on the fire service pay formula .
18 It was not a simply a courtly ritual or a question of deference but an acceptance of the office and powers their superiors held .
19 Now as the garage grew , the , the blacksmith 's shop was , it still remained in the same place but the remainder of the cottages were made into the garage , and the garden ground in between was filled in between with sheds with corrugated iron roofs .
20 In the case of land left restricted to the name of the family , if no voluntary alienation takes place but the property of the heir is sold up , the buyer ought to retain the land as long as the debtor would have had it if his property had not been sold up , and after his [ the debtor 's ] death he will not have it , because an heir outside the family would be compelled to make it over .
21 To recall Vaitsos ' point , it is not the foreignness of the firm that makes the difference but the foreignness of the product and its technology , what can be called its transnationality within the global capitalist system .
22 In the 1950s Bert Hardy brilliantly captured the essence of the Pony Trot for Picture Post but the re-creation of the routine shown on television at that time seemed a pale version of the original to the women of the twenties ; they recall the music being so much more inventive with a man simulating the horses ' hooves with coconut shells , hunting horns and whiplashes all adding to the atmosphere .
23 Min and Neith survived into the Dynastic Period but the fate of the other Predynastic local animal and inanimate gods is much less easily traced .
24 The Dane gave some chub to float fished maggot but the margins of the river were frozen .
25 On the whole Leeds have a lot of positive points at the moment but the deficiences of the squad I think will not see us challenge the top two places this year — I hope I 'm wrong but unless serious money is spent strengthening the side the likes of Man Utd and Liverpool will defeat us .
26 The town lacked architectural distinction but the colour of the women 's clothes , predominantly red , yellow and orange , was unforgettable , especially when large numbers were assembled at the wells or in the marketplace .
27 It was a bitterly cold evening but the warmth of the greetings she received on the streets over the next few days made up for it .
28 Lady Beatrice and Rachel murmured their excuses whilst Sir John stretched , grumbling that it was all a dreadful business but the affairs of the estate demanded his attention .
29 France will never be a net exporter of fossil fuel but the success of the nuclear programme could bring energy export revenues .
30 Some 25 years later interviewers are still essential at bureau level but the complexity of the task that they carry out has shifted the core role on to a professional manager who is needed to galvanise the efforts of the team in order to meet growing demands .
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