Example sentences of "[noun sg] but [pron] 'll [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They probably have three riders on call in case one goes sick or gets delayed or is already on a job but I 'll bet they never deal with more than two companies at a time .
2 Overnight sailings are suspended for the duration but they 'll let you go aboard .
3 I had n't amended that bit but I 'll amend it and sta and write up proper .
4 He let us off he said you two are supposed to get a late mark but I 'll let you off this time three and we 've got a detention .
5 fucking laugh , so I said to her no I said it is this week Julie I said and it 's towards the end of the week but I 'll ring you by the weekend and let you know , well of course come the Thursday morning I have n't seen Val , and I was ever so upset because it really the end of the line money wise , I could n't do any more
6 And he went to the doctor and the doctor said well you have n't got anything wrong with your skull but I 'll take your blood pressure .
7 I wo n't be in on Monday so people will have to come in on Monday somebody will have to come in on Monday , go to the room specified which I have n't agreed yet and then put it on and then bring it back again to so people who ca n't make it today , that that 's the alternative arrangement but I 'll tell you more when I come back at eleven o'clock , okay ?
8 Then get hold of the alderman in charge of planning and apologize if we 're disturbing his supper but we 'll need him .
9 He says he 's not a proud man but he 'll pass you his watch , adding cryptically that ‘ the front 's for sale , the back is n't ’ , and you 'll discover from the inscription that it was a gift from TMcL for gaining distinction in his final exams in 1961 .
10 ‘ I 'm a peaceable man but I 'll murder 'em if they come up here with their bulldozers . ’
11 ‘ I 'm no psychiatrist but I 'll tell you one thing .
12 They only have vegetarian food but they 'll use it .
13 He said , it 's happened before and he advised her to go to the police and er so he , he said er when and the police told her when you come back we 'll have all this typed out , your statement but we 'll need you to sign so tell the coach driver to stay at , stop at the police station for you to sign it and I , I said to her , how , how did you manage to stop that boy ?
14 Clearly you 're unlikely to be recommending somewhere that is not transport in the structure but you 'll believe it 's important to specify which one .
15 I meant to go to the bank last , I meant to get cash for that guy but I 'll make him a cheque .
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