Example sentences of "[noun sg] 's [noun] be the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Presidents usually nominate persons of the same political party as themselves , but at the lower levels of the federal judiciary a critical factor in the President 's choice is the views of the senators of the state in which the appointee is to serve .
2 Across the mammal 's back are the remains of an iron tool which was riveted to the upper part of the tail .
3 With the great lady 's body were the remains of a sacrificed bull and horse .
4 The media through which the sharers of a culture refine their insight into what goes on in each other 's heads are the arts in general , through which the most aware evoke in their audience the look and feel of things from their own viewpoints ( in the case of the drama and novel , of multiple interacting viewpoints ) , in fixed forms available to be explored at our leisure .
5 Heading each month 's figures were the payments to the management .
6 Er the Nottinghamshire branch of the of the National Farmer 's Union are the instigators of the children of the show .
7 CD 's original was the Grapes in Narrow Street , Limehouse .
8 Eccles ' vehicle for clearing the garden 's secrecy was the Schools Council — not a very efficient or fast-moving garden Rotavator .
10 At the core of the Chicago School 's analysis were the moves of immigrants from European societies to American cities and , once established in a town such as Chicago , the successful households progressing from the inner urban areas to the suburbs .
11 Complaints from staff about the behaviour of the group at a party at A&M 's office to celebrate the signing and protests from other A&M artists about the company 's judgement were the reasons cited for the volte face .
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