Example sentences of "[noun sg] 's [noun] [conj] [noun prp] have " in BNC.

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1 The same critic 's remark that Massine had captured the essence of Brahms ' fourth Symphony by ‘ repetitions , balancing and treatment of episodes ’ should be clarified .
2 He had seen from the Select Committee 's Report that Scott had studied the Greek and Italian styles as well as Gothic and , being ‘ a person of great talent ’ , he hoped he would put ‘ a more lively and enlightened front to his buildings ’ .
3 The excitement was intensified when it became known that some time previously a railway clerk named Winter , who kept a black retriever , had shot himself in the porter 's cellar but Durham had claimed that he was unaware of the tragedy when he had encountered the ghost .
4 It is clear from this afternoon 's exchanges that Kenya has many friends in all parts of the House .
5 But little Harry had wept — for his beloved sister 's absence and Lily had taken him secretly to visit her .
6 The report included his ( named ) niece 's account that Fairley had terrified her by his sexual advances to her in a car .
7 The notion of our sometimes involuntarily having ideas in coherent series , continues the New Theory of Vision 's doctrine that God has established connections between the ideas of sight and those of touch .
8 The sportswear firm 's announcement that BTF had sold its 78 per cent stake in Adidas International Holding — which holds 95 per cent of Adidas — came as no surprise .
9 He could see from the changing mottle of the secretary 's complexion that Garvey had made up his mind for him .
10 ‘ You could be dead and you will certainly never play rugby again , ’ was one doctor 's diagnosis after Lumsden had broken his neck playing for Bath .
11 It had started out as a ship 's boiler but Selwyn had acquired it some years before to ensure a plentiful supply of soft water for his garden .
12 Segments of the athletic composition push forward into the viewer 's space because Rifka has affixed additional forms onto the surface plane . ’
13 She 's had a hectic Christmas — one long round of shopping , cleaning and cooking for the entire family , including Malc 's brother and his wife and his mother , who has become confused and forgetful since Dad 's death and Lynda has taken care of her with selfless dedication .
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