Example sentences of "[noun sg] as [adv] [conj] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Wood is pruned from a rambler as soon as it has flowered , to divert growth into strong new stems for the next year 's bloom .
2 The teacher stops the scene as soon as it looks as if any of the " performers " are finding it difficult .
3 Erm no it does get rented out sometimes in the winter as well but it tends to be more in the summer .
4 Oh , yes , well that 's part of the issue as well and it has to be part of the strategy
5 If the detent spring is weak it would probably jump out of second as well as it utilises the same spring .
6 that they can go and the boys have a good laugh with them , and the girls have a good laugh as well and it seems to work .
7 But whatever its size , you need to plan for convenience as well as impact , wear as well as warmth ; a space that fits the feel of your home as well as it fits you .
8 The basic pruning principle , therefore , should be to remove wood as soon as it has flowered in order to dived energy into the production of good strong stems to carry the next year 's bloom .
9 Yeah it is , it 's going out and doing the business as well but it 's got ta have a lot more intellectual input er in you know in terms of having a having a greater insight into how a company works , how an airline operates , how the marketing department operates and so forth .
10 As soon as a weakness or shortcoming in the system of regulating safety is positively identified the investigators need to inform the regulators where urgent action is necessary ; indeed , it is important that unhampered liaison channels allow the flow of all relevant factual information about an accident as soon as it becomes available .
11 Likewise , light does not penetrate through water as well as it does through air , whereas with sound and chemicals it is the other way round .
12 The DRS3000 levels 243CX desktop , 343CXe desktop and 543FX deskside all utilise 33MHz 80486 CPU technology , run a shrink-wrapped Unix SVR4 PC operating system and will feature Unix System Labs ' Destiny desktop version of Unix as soon as it appears : ‘ within weeks , ’ the firm claims .
13 If I speak out loud my breath hangs in the candle-light , just as though one could snap off a word in a mistily solidified lump as soon as it has been said .
14 That helps them then deal with a call as soon as it comes into the switchboard .
15 Look out for the envelope that will bring your invitation , and be ready to tell us your preference as soon as it arrives .
16 Any one of us may also apprehend an individual whom we know to be , or whom we have reasonable grounds for suspecting to be , guilty of such an offence as long as it has been committed .
17 And I go to bed as soon as it gets dark .
18 It is recommended that the offline manager introduces new media items when the offline system is not running , since LIFESPAN may attempt to use the media item as soon as it knows about it .
19 You must show me the book as soon as it comes — and you too , Anne . ’
20 One of the typical patterns , when you go back to work or attend a course , is to opt out of this new situation as soon as it gets a little tough , especially if there are domestic problems such as children sick or on holiday .
21 The external skeleton is highly versatile ; it serves the tiny water flea as well as it does the giant Japanese spider crab that measures over three metres from claw to claw .
22 ‘ We can tell very quickly what 's happening , so we can tackle the problem as soon as it arises rather than using a pesticide until it fails .
23 All six in-patient beds will be available in Darlington 's new leukaemia unit as soon as it opens , hospital officials confirmed this week .
24 Once installed FAXgrabber can be configured to monitor fax activity automatically and to convert everything to text as soon as it arrives .
25 The parties are later sent by post either a summary decision or a full written decision as soon as it has been typed up and signed by the chairman , which is accompanied by information about applying for a review of the decision and of appealing to the Employment Appeal Tribunal .
26 In the long term it is intended to operate over the Athenry-Tuam section as soon as it has been cleared for service trains .
27 The letter enters the public domain as soon as it has been drawn to the attention of the Select Committee , and the Government may use it in Council discussions — which they do if they find it helpful to their position .
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