Example sentences of "[noun sg] as [noun] [noun prp] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The result was announced to cheers from jubilant supporters in the Westland Sports and Social Club as Mr Ashdown hugged his wife Jane , who had carried out much of his local campaigning .
2 West Ham4 Norwich0 BILLY BONDS 'S bold decision to swing the axe on some of his more complacent players had the desired effect as West Ham recorded their biggest League win of the season .
3 We watched from our window as Mick Jagger gave his free concert in Hyde Park , stood on our seats at the Albert Hall for Janis Joplin 's last performance , and traipsed to Avebury and Stonehenge for equinoctial celebrations .
4 It ran upstairs and hid under a bed , then leapt on top of a wardrobe as Mrs Topliff confronted it with a broom handle .
5 LANCASHIRE were facing an uphill battle as underdogs Leicestershire set their sights on a Lord 's return after putting in an excellent morning 's work at Grace Road .
6 Endill ran to the cart as Mr McDoodle brought it to the house .
7 We can now observe twentieth century features of Hebridean kitchen gardens and can recognise a profusion of plants which occur , then sense the continuity of custom as Martin Martin informs us of the uses he observed almost three centuries ago .
8 He then showed us the brass plate of ‘ No. 1 ’ , still attached to the piece of cab as Selwyn Higgins cut it off .
9 Over the next few million years there was an enormous expansion of this non-smell part of the cerebral hemispheres — the neopallial explosion as Elliot Smith called it .
10 The sea-story , as I have suggested , demands less falsifying of youth 's capacities since , in both navy and merchant navy ships , boys in their middle and even early teens have been called upon to act beyond their years often and as a matter of course , from the period , so fruitful for novelists , of the Napoleonic Wars to the present day as Richard Armstrong described it .
11 He gave a triumphant bellow as Bull O'Malley shook his head .
12 At least 50,000 islanders , and 2,000 tourists , were without electricity last night as President Bush declared it a disaster area .
13 RON ATKINSON had cause to offer belated seasonal goodwill to his fellow men last night as Aston Villa re-asserted their Championship challenge with a victory more emphatic than the margin of a Dean Saunders penalty suggests .
14 New colours in Medici and more in Highland Tweed enlarged an already impressive collection as Stoddard Templeton launched their new products into the field ahead of the rest .
15 The match ball , which plummeted from the sky into match judge Fred Trueman 's eager hands , conveyed by a female member of the 4th ( V ) Battalion The Parachute Regiment 's free-fall team , hardly left the ground as Chris Lewis bowled his early sighters after Pakistan had grasped the nettle by batting first .
16 What was it that so introverted a man as Ludwig Wittgenstein thought he believed in , when he volunteered to fight for the Emperor ?
17 Suddenly we caught a true glimpse of England 's back row as Mike Teague celebrated his comeback with some muscular work and debutant Ben Clarke enjoyed a raging first taste of glory .
18 The rebel officers had been passed over for promotion as General Noriega strengthened his control of the military 's two key policy-making bodies , the General Staff and the Strategic Military Council .
19 But coming up first , fashion goes to bed as carol Smillie takes her pick of the pyjamas .
20 I was still trembling when I reached the barn and hardly said a word as Mr Bailes led me back across the road to the farm .
21 He took another energetic puff , and blew out a dense cloud of smoke at the camera as Lord Boddy resumed his discourse .
22 All credit to Bann , though for not shutting-up-shop on an already lost cause as Mark Carson pegged it back .
23 ‘ Yes , of course , that is important , ’ Karlinsky began , addressing the whole audience as Miriam Levy resumed her seat and her fiance , sitting beside her , squeezed her hand .
24 The crowd watched in fascinated silence as Mr Hellibore snapped his fingers and a small table appeared in his hand set with a white table-cloth , tea for three , and a huge plate of toast , crumpets and butter .
25 OPENER Rod Latham completed his maiden Test century as New Zealand consolidated their strong position in the first Test against Zimbabwe in Bulawayo today .
26 In the same year as Queen Victoria succeeded her uncle , King William IV , Dr. Edward Tuke took a lease on the Manor Farm House , in what by then was called Chiswick Lane , and it became a home for mentally ill gentle-persons .
27 It was as thoughtful and generous an invitation as King Hussein sending us down to Petra and Aqaba .
28 There were a few moments ' stalemate , then more petrol was thrown , this time into the warehouse , and two men with a bren gun were left to cover the building as Peter Young led his men on .
29 When he had opened the case as Lou Collins presented it to him before dawn , he had not seen any direction-finding device , but did not expect to .
30 Bernice scrambled madly through the twisted wreckage as Anushkia Smyslov lost herself in the chaos , shouting orders .
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