Example sentences of "[noun sg] had a [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Credit Services Association had a Code of Practice which was strictly enforced , and all creditors were advised to stick to CSA agencies .
2 Swathes of coloured gauze separated silver benches , and a twisting staircase on one side had a cobweb of azure spangles hanging over it .
3 She said an ex-boyfriend had a house across Lake Pontchartrain they could use for the weekend .
4 The memory of this episode had an impact on government — industry relations and on the future development of pricing policy .
5 Though Niki 's car had a series of defects , his low placing was also the result of his own mistakes .
6 Except my agent had a will of sponge , so instead of telling the charity committee to go take a bath in some sulphuric acid , I 'd find myself trekking off to Bodmin to give my all for the local branch of the Cats ' Protection League .
7 Charlie was born and raised in Glasgow 's Maryhill , where the Jags hailed , the Mental Fleet sailed and the neighbourhood had an obsession with football .
8 But men who showed no signs of cardiovascular disease and had desirable levels of cholesterol at the start of the study had a risk of death that increased only slightly , due to ageing , from 1.7 per cent to 4.9 per cent .
9 As an economic structure , patronage had an effect on Leapor 's poetry .
10 Viewers of Channel 4 's series The Secret Cabaret had a taste of Drake 's brand of gory trickery .
11 And Big Flame had a reputation for humanity compared with other ultra-left sects with their habit of expelling people en masse in a hail of jargon-ridden abuse , and demanding Moonie-type self-criticism from slackers who failed to meet newspaper sales quotas .
12 And e every week the admiralty had a clerk of works going round watching the progress .
13 With financial help from the Rockefeller family and Gere 's own money the organising committee had a base of £300,000 from which to create the exhibition .
14 In Oslo yesterday , diplomats warned that the Nobel committee had a reputation for security and the leaked forecasts might prove wide of the mark .
15 In the display the Godfather 's desk had a number of books on it ; the waxworks owner reached for them one by one .
16 In the second half Leeds looked slightly better but almost went 2–1 down when poor marking let one the Crewe forwards in with a chance , the ball came across from the right wing and the bloke had a shot at goal from about 12 yards out that only just missed .
17 The parliamentary battle had an air of shadow-boxing about it , for the ultimate outcome was certain from the start and the timetable could be predicted almost as easily .
18 Waste Management had a facility in Philadelphia that originally took in recyclable materials for free .
19 The boy had a history of fits .
20 But the inquest was told that lifts at Hamilton Hall had a history of breakdowns and students often attempted ‘ self-rescues ’ .
21 His demeanour had a kind of melancholy which was perplexing .
22 In the litigation in the English Courts arising out of the collapse of the International Tin Council the question was raised whether the Tin Council had a cause of action against its own members .
23 The trial of the preliminary issue was heard by Morland J. who on 15 March 1991 gave judgment for the council , holding that a local authority could sue for libel in respect of its governing or administrative reputation when no actual damage was alleged , and that the council had a cause of action in libel against the defendants on the basis of the pleaded statement of claim .
24 He answered the second question , which he considered as turning on the effect of section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 , by concluding that the council had a cause of action in libel against the defendants on the basis of the pleaded statement of claim .
25 Apparently her aunt had been unaware of the outdoor activities , and instead of being an undeveloped shambles Wilder 's Wilderness had an atmosphere of stability .
26 The same theme recurred frequently ; because arts students had few timetabled hours , science students tended to assume that they did little work , although one first-year physical science student did note that most of her work was done in lectures and labs , while many girls on her corridor had a lot of background work to do outside timetabled sessions .
27 This means that he asked his questions from an existing problematic ; each question had a history of answers on which he was able to draw and contextualize his own .
28 The writer filed the exhibit for future reference , happy that court case or no court case , the pop star in question had a sense of humour .
29 BELOW : Lodgemore Mill had a history of fires , the one in 1871 destroying virtually all the stone-built mill .
30 The mill had a number of owners over the years , its major business starting when , by the 1860s , it was taken over by Reece and Sandford .
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