Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [adv] be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The Ministry of Defence said that Belgian ammunition of that particular batch had never been supplied to the British Army , and how it had come into Britain was unknown .
2 The complement had now been raised to 145 and salaries increased by 28 per cent .
3 The subjects in Mattila 's study had all been admitted to hospital for acute myocardial infarction .
4 The electricity industry had always been considered to be a natural monopoly and plans to privatise it were preceded by lengthy discussions about the ideal structure for the industry .
5 The warning came from the all party , defence select committee , whose Conservative chairman said the country 's defence capability had already been pared to the bone .
6 From the despair in the parson 's eyes the doctor saw that this remedy had already been tried to no avail .
7 Down below the functioning factory levels , however , ancient levels of the hive had long been abandoned to dereliction .
8 The Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda reported on Jan. 14 that a former Soviet diplomat had recently been sentenced to death for passing Soviet defence secrets to the United States .
9 The inheritance had earlier been surrendered to the king and regranted in tail male , with reversion to the king if the male line failed .
10 Parliamentary sovereignty had not been ceded to Brussels but merely delegated .
11 It was later , in my wartime hospital that I first realised that the Second Commandment had not been given to Moses on Mount Sinai but to an Irish priest upon the Mountains of Mourne .
12 When the subject of education was brought up and it was pointed out that the girl had not been going to school he said that she was not learning anything at school anyway , that she was much safer here than at the school she had been to , where she had been threatened with knives in the playground and that she could learn all a wife needed to know better at home .
13 The parent figures as a group showed gross excesses of psychiatric disturbance , physical illness and disability , and criminality , and the abusing parent had often been subjected to physical or mental abuse or neglect in their own childhood .
14 Capitalism had always been baffling to Ceauşescu , now his involvement with it was a curse .
15 By two minutes to three the match had already been condemned to a dull spectacle , ruined by zealous over-officiousness and amazing decisions .
16 As the plaintiff had not been shown to be guilty of contributory negligence , he was entitled to recover damages , on the grounds of negligence .
17 Considerable press attention had already been devoted to a recent report prepared by the Escola Superior de Guerra , a senior military academy , which contained references to the systematic killing of street children by " death squads " [ see p. 38285 ] which were known often to be composed of off-duty or on-duty police and armed force members .
18 But Mr Smith 's and Mr Jones 's attention had now been drawn to my father and no doubt rather bored with what the view outside had to offer , they proceeded to amuse themselves by shouting out unflattering remarks concerning my father 's ‘ mistake ’ .
19 Another strange bird had descended in great flocks on the Mokai , much to Gould 's delight as only a single specimen had ever been delivered to England prior to 1839 , which was in the collection of the Linnean Society .
20 The waste had originally been exported to Belgium for reprocessing , in contravention of both countries ' laws .
21 Our captivity had never been linked to theirs , as far as we knew .
22 The fact was that his own heart had grown irresistibly fond of the love of his life , Senora Isabel-Maria Estanguet de Moss , whose husband had just been posted to the Argentinian Embassy in Brussels .
23 His name had not been mentioned to her at all yet she knew his name from the description straight away .
24 The element of wildness in his behaviour had originally been brought to the fore by Colquhoun and MacBryde , as a protest against repressive convention .
25 In any case , it seems inevitable that the development of the mechanical clock should have been primarily due to the Church for , although the transmission of power by rope and pulley had long been known to craftsmen , the mathematics of gear-trains ( particularly astronomical trains ) was known only to the highly educated , and their education was provided only by the Church .
26 In particular the Bill was presented as being unopposed , but notice had not been given to affected landowners as required by Standing Orders .
27 His father had already been attended to and lay quiet and grateful on one of Zeinab 's sofas .
28 John Kamm , a US businessman and human rights activist , was told by government officials that all those detained in connection with the pro-democracy movement had now been brought to trial .
29 But this bridging paper had apparently been shown to , and agreed with , the Israeli negotiators before it was shown to the Palestinians .
30 Maeve agreed that the old nun had probably been referring to Lady Eleanor 's hands .
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