Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [adv] [be] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 The Ministry of Defence said that Belgian ammunition of that particular batch had never been supplied to the British Army , and how it had come into Britain was unknown .
2 The complement had now been raised to 145 and salaries increased by 28 per cent .
3 The subjects in Mattila 's study had all been admitted to hospital for acute myocardial infarction .
4 The electricity industry had always been considered to be a natural monopoly and plans to privatise it were preceded by lengthy discussions about the ideal structure for the industry .
5 The warning came from the all party , defence select committee , whose Conservative chairman said the country 's defence capability had already been pared to the bone .
6 From the despair in the parson 's eyes the doctor saw that this remedy had already been tried to no avail .
7 Down below the functioning factory levels , however , ancient levels of the hive had long been abandoned to dereliction .
8 The Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda reported on Jan. 14 that a former Soviet diplomat had recently been sentenced to death for passing Soviet defence secrets to the United States .
9 The inheritance had earlier been surrendered to the king and regranted in tail male , with reversion to the king if the male line failed .
10 Parliamentary sovereignty had not been ceded to Brussels but merely delegated .
11 It was later , in my wartime hospital that I first realised that the Second Commandment had not been given to Moses on Mount Sinai but to an Irish priest upon the Mountains of Mourne .
12 The parent figures as a group showed gross excesses of psychiatric disturbance , physical illness and disability , and criminality , and the abusing parent had often been subjected to physical or mental abuse or neglect in their own childhood .
13 By two minutes to three the match had already been condemned to a dull spectacle , ruined by zealous over-officiousness and amazing decisions .
14 As the plaintiff had not been shown to be guilty of contributory negligence , he was entitled to recover damages , on the grounds of negligence .
15 Considerable press attention had already been devoted to a recent report prepared by the Escola Superior de Guerra , a senior military academy , which contained references to the systematic killing of street children by " death squads " [ see p. 38285 ] which were known often to be composed of off-duty or on-duty police and armed force members .
16 But Mr Smith 's and Mr Jones 's attention had now been drawn to my father and no doubt rather bored with what the view outside had to offer , they proceeded to amuse themselves by shouting out unflattering remarks concerning my father 's ‘ mistake ’ .
17 Another strange bird had descended in great flocks on the Mokai , much to Gould 's delight as only a single specimen had ever been delivered to England prior to 1839 , which was in the collection of the Linnean Society .
18 The waste had originally been exported to Belgium for reprocessing , in contravention of both countries ' laws .
19 Our captivity had never been linked to theirs , as far as we knew .
20 The fact was that his own heart had grown irresistibly fond of the love of his life , Senora Isabel-Maria Estanguet de Moss , whose husband had just been posted to the Argentinian Embassy in Brussels .
21 His name had not been mentioned to her at all yet she knew his name from the description straight away .
22 The element of wildness in his behaviour had originally been brought to the fore by Colquhoun and MacBryde , as a protest against repressive convention .
23 In any case , it seems inevitable that the development of the mechanical clock should have been primarily due to the Church for , although the transmission of power by rope and pulley had long been known to craftsmen , the mathematics of gear-trains ( particularly astronomical trains ) was known only to the highly educated , and their education was provided only by the Church .
24 In particular the Bill was presented as being unopposed , but notice had not been given to affected landowners as required by Standing Orders .
25 His father had already been attended to and lay quiet and grateful on one of Zeinab 's sofas .
26 John Kamm , a US businessman and human rights activist , was told by government officials that all those detained in connection with the pro-democracy movement had now been brought to trial .
27 But this bridging paper had apparently been shown to , and agreed with , the Israeli negotiators before it was shown to the Palestinians .
28 But he insisted he knew nothing about either the debt or the court case because the bill had not been sent to his home .
29 During the 1970s , the major American companies , whose music had previously been licensed to the British firms , set up their own branch companies in Europe .
30 Since the Norwegian constitution did not allow the early dissolution of parliament , attempts to form a new government had quickly been reduced to two options , a Conservative or a Labour minority administration .
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