Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [adv] [be] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The horse had n't been mounted before , and it was n't restrained — beyond wearing a bridle and saddle .
2 Certain kinds of violence had long been thought particularly un-English .
3 I explained that Harry 's car had already been driven away .
4 It was a fleet whose like had never been seen before , vast hulks of crudely fashioned wood propelled by massive tread wheels and gigantic sails .
5 Since there was little practical guidance available in the literature and most previous research had not been carried out under normal classroom conditions , we decided to enlist the help of a number of experienced teachers who were using ‘ collaborative approaches successfully .
6 The report listed details of 38 cases where torture had allegedly been carried out by Iraqis .
7 To take a specific example , Lemert 's ( 1958 ) study of cheque forgers found that they had not , typically , associated with other cheque forgers or people favourably disposed towards it ; cheque forgery had not been handed down from some primeval inventor .
8 His piece had clearly been written more in anger than in sorrow , the landlord 's indiscrimination coming in for as much disapprobation as the racist high spirits shown by the Young Conservatives .
9 Winter and the new Food and Beverage manager had considered that the best applicant was a female graduate with a proven record and innovative ideas , but there was opposition from the Head Chef and the rest of the ‘ old guard ’ , who contacted the previous owner : he in turn had spoken to David Edwards , who had rung Winter and suggested ‘ cooling it ’ ( the disappointed applicant had subsequently been taken on by Duchy 's expanding Hotels Division ) .
10 Announcing the successful bids for the latest round of exploration licences , Energy Minister Tim Eggar said 35 sites nominated by the oil and gas industry had not been put up to be licensed .
11 Her entrance had clearly been arranged beforehand by the Headmistress .
12 That afternoon in free time the sergeant stopped her , and told her the work had n't been done properly .
13 The conditions were deliberately vague and even asked for suggestions regarding the siting of Westminster Bridge , although some work had already been carried out towards rebuilding the bridge on its existing site .
14 At the time much of the construction work had already been carried out .
15 The voidable transfer had not been set aside .
16 ’ But it appears from the fourth plea that that marriage had already been agreed on , and that the testator knew it .
17 In addition , two colleagues in naval intelligence had recently been taken on by ICI to be trained as work study officers , and spoke enthusiastically to me of how they were treated by the company .
18 Since there is such a difference between the two documents , and since the Dunrossness District Plan was designed for immediate public consumption ( the Structurn Plan had not been disseminated widely at the time of our research , June , 1978 — January , 1979 ) one could suggest that the tenor of the document reflects the desire to underplay any potential conflicts between Shetlanders and incomers .
19 But many anonymous individuals whose traits of basic humanity had not been eradicated even by years of Nazism revealed through small acts or gestures of kindness of sympathy that they were out of step with mainstream Nazi attitudes towards the Jews .
20 By an amended respondent 's notice the natural mother supported the local authority 's appeal on the grounds advanced by their notice of appeal and further or alternatively sought to contend that the judge ( 1 ) had been wrong in law , fact or both to hear and determine the applications for leave when the mother was not a party to the applications and was not aware of them and the judge had not been apprised properly or at all of her wishes in the matter ; ( 2 ) had acted contrary to the rules of natural justice and to section 10(9) ( d ) ( ii ) of the Act of 1989 ; and ( 3 ) ought to have required the mother to be notified of the application pursuant to rule 4.3(2) ( b ) of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991 , rule 4.4 and Appendix III .
21 The bar had not been tarted up , it had a stone floor , chocolate-painted woodwork and buff walls which were hung with oleographs of old sailing vessels .
22 At San Martin the wall to the gallery had also been bricked in .
23 A statement said there was a spontaneous abortion and the life support machine had now been turned off .
24 A Gloucestershire clothier stated in 1802 that although they " belonged " without question to the clothiers , their return had never been insisted on .
25 Rostov was surprised that the question had not been asked earlier , and guessed that a code of manners existed which governed the kind of questions which could be asked .
26 The licences in question had not been obtained illegally .
27 Apparently this question had never been addressed before in a systematic way .
28 Greg , relieved that the acid had n't been obtained locally , nevertheless was n't happy .
29 A Manchester Olympic bid spokesman said last night prospective venues had not been finalised and the Edge Lane site had not been ruled out .
30 However , this procedure was not explicit to the readership , and only by adding an acknowledgement to the article could we make clear that the article had not been accepted just because the editor was an author .
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