Example sentences of "[noun sg] they will [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All plans should then be assessed to determine whether they are realistic and the effect they will have on employees , suppliers , customers , and so on .
2 An important point to emerge from one of the studies reviewed is that policies vary a good deal in the effect they will have on trade patterns and terms of trade — and thus on both the overall loss of global welfare and the regional distribution of that loss .
3 Yet , for all the suffering they will cause in Kuwait — killing people as well as thousands of animals — such pollution is not a catastrophe on a planetary scale , as some had predicted .
4 And from Alan the new flats here , Norman helped by Dave and other members has been constructing substantial timber stroke hardboard flats although a bit heavier than the conventional canvas they will last for years and they really do provide superb sets as has been proved with all three plays presented this year .
5 The previous day they will play for West in a Courage League Division Two match away to bottom club Liverpool St Helens .
6 I have a feeling they will come to Leeds to do just that .
7 CITIES targeted by the Government are each to have a minister from a team of nine headed by the Inner Cities Minister , Mr David Hunt , to advise them on regenerating the urban environment They will work with City Action Teams and Inner City Task Forces already set up , Mr Hunt yesterday told a London conference , Business in the Cities .
8 As self-governing bodies , local education authorities are , by and large , free to decide for themselves the amount of money they will spend on education .
9 In due course they will arrive in Safra to be offloaded over a beach and thence travel by road into the theatre of operations .
10 Teacher training consists of showing students how to deliver the curriculum they will find in schools .
11 In a culture more and ore unified by the mass media , it is more absurd and anachronistic than ever to separate the middle-class from the working-class , the potentially academic and scholarly from the rest , in terms of the teaching they will receive at school .
12 Thus they carry a specification of what kind of inactive edge they will become on completion , what kinds of lower level inactive edges they require in order to become complete , and just which inactive edges constitute the partial analysis derived so far .
13 The message they will receive from Mr Desmond Pitcher , chairman of the company , is that the 700 megawatts of pollution-free energy released by harnessing the 10-metre tidal rise and fall will be commercially attractive over the project 's 120-year life .
14 Inevitably you will have to present your accountant , doctor , lawyer , bank manager or counsellor with the information they will need in order to help you .
15 As pupils begin systematic work on explicit knowledge about language in the secondary school they will learn through experience that some simple working definitions have to be refined to take account of the complexity of language structure and use .
16 Under cover they will flower from May-November .
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