Example sentences of "[noun sg] he have [vb pp] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 He thought it unlikely she would be influenced by the disappointment he had dealt to her plan for a play about the Wall .
2 He was manifestly rattled about the dousing he had received at her hands .
3 ‘ Perhaps , ’ he agreed before lapsing into silence , but not before she 'd seen his face reflect the pleasure he 'd experienced at her instant recognition of what was clearly one of his favourite recordings .
4 Not at all the sensible woman she had always been until the moment he had erupted into her life .
5 Yet , now that Edna had started to open up , possibly helped by the glass of wine he had insisted on her having , he suddenly became alert .
6 She was afraid he might see the colour he had brought to her cheeks .
7 He had naively assumed that the Concorde ticket he had seen on her desk had been one she had gone out and bought in order to join him in New York .
8 She pulled away from him , rubbing the mark he had left on her wrist .
9 She did n't answer , for the simple reason that she could n't think of anything to say because the smile he had given her had been so totally unlike any other he had turned in her direction , so warm , and devastating , crinkling his eyes …
10 He had spent his grief in the day and night he had sat at her bedside .
11 Oh , was not this delightful , to hurt again the girl who had rejected him , the girl who when all was said and done would have been a greater prize than the vulgar woman he had married for her money ?
12 Dexter looked up expectantly , a loop of ash dangling from the end of the cigarette he had lit in her absence .
13 The sharpness of the terror he had felt during her illness had revealed to him just how much he loved her , and once she began to recover he had been afraid that they would never again be able to talk simply as friends .
14 Gently , she took the bottle of liquid cream he had used on her ravished buttocks , and poured a liberal dose into the palm of her hand .
15 It seemed a long time since Dana 's phone call had brought Roman Wyatt into her life and she badly needed to be by herself to think about the turmoil he had caused in her ordered existence .
16 Loved so much that when he died , his ashes , on his special instruction , were sprinkled over a rose bush he had planted in her memory at a crematorium .
17 Unable to find the right words , Gina moved her hand impulsively across the table and touched his fingers with her own , unconsciously reciprocating the gesture he had made to her earlier .
18 He gave a little laugh and tightened the hand he had placed on her arm — Sally-Anne had not offered to take his ; that was not a servant 's right .
19 It made him regret the passing of his youth , and the ennui he had felt before her arrival had miraculously disappeared .
20 Unlike the way he had spoken to her earlier , or the previous time they had met .
21 He might be back to normal , but Robbie had n't forgotten the way he 'd turned on her last night .
22 Ashamed of the breach he 'd made in her defences , she drew on her inner courage to confront him , tilting her chin fiercely .
23 After the first night , at the party he had danced with her three times , and ruffled her hair once .
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