Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [verb] [be] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 All he knew was that compared with the trollop he had been with the day before , she was like a princess , a very untouchable snow princess seven years older than he , who had recently lost her husband .
2 Martinho , too , sensing what the rules of disengagement from the deathbed were going to be , allowed them to have their fun , or the priestly hypocrite he 'd been in the jungle — got his kicks out of the spectacle , what he might regard as my just deserts for my equivocal behaviour toward him in those nightmare days .
3 He was permitted to take his family with him , but the only intellectual companionship he found was among the Catholic missionaries : the local inhabitants remained strangers to him .
4 In his work he has been at the forefront of a movement fighting to drag British dance into the 20th century .
5 In the year and a half he has been at the Lyric he has established himself as something of a ‘ character ’ and has chalked up a number of box office successes .
6 By mid-morning he had been through the day 's edition of the Herald Tribune .
7 Books dealing mainly with science and the occult lined the walls , bits of engineering projects littered the table , his ultra-feminine dresses hung in one corner and the printing press of the transsexual/transvestite magazine he edited was in the other corner .
8 He was sixty-four now , but as a young man he had been in the army and seen action on the North-West Frontier .
9 First there 's Gary Harris … four seasons in a row he 's been in the English boys team …
10 His visit lasted for a few hours at most — taking into account the time spent asleep — and the only really detailed description he gave was of the accommodation in which he slept in General Gowon 's home .
11 His job is to clean along the paths of the Zoo and that thing he pushes is for the rubbish he collects , and along its side he has two brooms and a shovel .
12 At this stage Hitler 's plans were still fluid , but the last thing he wanted was for the useful Danzig problem to be solved .
13 The answer he got was in the line that Frank looked uninspired in training ( well as ‘ inspired ’ as Deano looks from time to time in the games i guess Deano most look — very — inspired in training ) .
14 Mr Prescott told the court that on the fateful evening Boxing Day last year he had been in the pub with Mr Maltby and another friend .
15 Over the weekend he has been at the Spring Thing folk festival at Darlington Arts Centre , where he has been selling home-made ear-rings and Asian crafts .
16 When I was a bit older , I thought he was probably a thief and that the bag he carried was for the loot . ’
17 But the last time he had been in the headlines , people had known him by a different name — Chris Bott .
18 It was unfair , because last time he had been in the thick of the fighting when the message came , and Tuathal had fought to be beside him .
19 Milton has lived in the same stable all the time he has been with the Whitakers .
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