Example sentences of "[noun sg] on a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Remuneration packages may combine foreign service premia and hardship allowances or treat the payment of foreign service premia on a similar basis to that of hardship allowances , that is , the former are increased according to the environment in which the expatriate is asked to work .
2 In Isfield , Sir John Shurley and his two wives lie side by side on a mighty tomb of alabaster with their children carved kneeling around the base .
3 In addition , the groups had a group discussion ( organized by the team leader ) between the first and second repetitions , though the subjects actually performed the experiment on an individual basis on each repetition .
4 ‘ I should have rung the police and reported a horse on the loose on a public highway in the middle of the night . ’
5 He had moored Water Gypsy on a pretty stretch of river which , he told her , linked two canals .
6 Bernard had been farming the manor on a 21-year lease since at least 1536 , and paying £9. 10s. a year for it .
7 One argument is indisputable : that unless there is investment on an enormous scale on the improvement of provision , the reality of day-care experiences for unknown but substantial numbers of young children whose parents find it necessary or choose to work , is likely to remain a cause of concern .
8 He ground the sugar into a powder , mixed it with water and with his daily handful of flour , adding a little curry powder to give it a spicy taste : then he grilled the result on a flat stone beside the fire .
9 This broadening is due to collisions between electrons , between electrons and imperfections or the walls of the sample , or by the randomness on an atomic scale of the electric potential the electrons feel .
10 Before they reached this happy state , however , they were to carry through several operations and long hours of dangerous training from their base at the Hayling Island Sailing Club on an isolated spit of land called Sandy Point on Hayling Island ( near Portsmouth , Hampshire ) .
11 Former President ( until 1988 ) Amin Gemayel returned from exile on a short visit at the beginning of August , to contribute to this debate .
12 The other generating company , PowerGen , has been burning orimulsion on an experimental basis under less strict control regulations in force at the time of licensing .
13 But the continuation of the Cold War and Europe 's reluctance to surrender American military protection , meant that substantial amounts of US military aid and large numbers of US troops became committed to the Continent on a permanent basis after the Korean War .
14 ‘ Ah , go on , Mam , you 'd need tea on a bad day like this , ’ Patsy said encouragingly .
15 France had announced on Dec. 1 that it was to start research on a new generation of high-speed trains capable of 350 kmph , compared with the existing speed of 300 kmph on some routes .
16 Research on a new microcontroller with built-in fuzzy logic co-processors is also under development .
17 The company have just completed market research on a new type of organic toothpaste called Abrasive .
18 The texts were selected by the corpus compilers to provide a wide representation of text types to allow research on a broad range of aspects of the language .
19 Although it contains much information that is very valuable for academic research on a wide variety of topics ( the family , poverty , the elderly , housing conditions and so on ) in the form in which OPCS release it , the data are not easy for university researchers to use .
20 The principal objective has been to provide a data resource for research on a wide range of aspects of 19th century society .
21 combating fraud on an international scale in so far as this is not covered by 7 to 9 ;
22 Combating fraud on an international scale in so far as this is not covered by 7 to 9 ;
23 ESTATE agents ' boards are the unsightly flotsam on a rising tide of home ownership .
24 Dzerzhinsky at once put his programme on a military footing in nineteen rail-centres .
25 So , short of sending the recording tape on a long detour through the corridors of the Palace of Westminster before it goes on the air , the parliamentary censors will have to work faster than they think .
26 A concise statutory definition of insider dealing is not offered in the CSA 1985 , but conduct constituting insider dealing may be said to exist where : an insider deliberately deals as principal or agent on a recognised exchange in securities of the company in question on the basis of unpublished price sensitive information with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss .
27 Work for the A-level examination in English Literature means a narrow concentration on a limited number of texts , and curricular pressures do not leave time for the undirected contextual reading that would provide broader literary experience .
28 For the teachers who have to cater for all kinds of pupils this concentration on a particular kind of pupil and a particular kind of educational success poses the same dilemma voiced by the rural studies teacher in response to the promotion of academic examinations in his subject ; ‘ Once again we can see the unwanted children of lower intelligence being made servants of the juggernaut of documented evidence , the inflated examination . ’
29 Entrusting my garland to I started the Workshop with a talk on a functional model of language .
30 The story of the death of William Bayles Brown , only son of George and Margaret Brown of Blackton , Baldersdale , is a weird narrative of the melancholy end of a courageous shepherd on a high moor in Teesdale … at eleven o'clock last Thursday morning the deceased left home in an endeavour to bring the high moor sheep to shelter … went off , whistling aloud , in the direction of the ill-fated higher common .
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