Example sentences of "[noun sg] are [adv] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With × 7 , though not with × 12 , Epsilon and Omega are just in the same field .
2 Published analysis and research are already in the public domain and are liberally referred to in this report .
3 Other Talman drawings from the original group are now in the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum .
4 Safly and hardle are both in the -ly suffix group ; but the child who misspells safly seems to understand about the suffix -ly and so is potentially a better speller than the one who has n't understood the suffix and produces hardle .
5 The Grand Slam committee , including the chairman of the Wimbledon committee Buzzer Hadingham , and the International Federation are now in the embarrassing situation of having their event outlawed by the most powerful federation in the game .
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