Example sentences of "[noun sg] are [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The hours that you put into a case are therefore of the utmost importance .
2 Tunnel linings on the British side are generally of the expanded grouted type used successfully in the 1973–75 project but in poorer ground cast iron linings are used .
3 With × 7 , though not with × 12 , Epsilon and Omega are just in the same field .
4 As you have read , sometimes the lace carriage moves to the right to transfer stitches and , if the main carriage is there waiting to knit , the lace carriage and the main carriage are temporarily on the same extension rail .
5 Published analysis and research are already in the public domain and are liberally referred to in this report .
6 Its restaurant and coffee bar are now on the first floor but once were on the ground floor where the bank is now .
7 Swindon Town are through to the third round of the Coca Cola Cup after a nine-two aggregate win over Torquay … and tonight Oxford United will be trying to join them but they 've got to win at Aston Villa …
8 These women tend to be fairly rough and uncouth , and their clientele are mainly from the criminal underworld — thieves , drug-dealers , heavy drinkers .
9 Other Talman drawings from the original group are now in the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum .
10 The rest are more like the pagan gods — supermen and super women .
11 Comments by sales about credit are usually along the following lines :
12 These digital and digitally remastered recordings date from the late ‘ 70s and '80s and information/presentation/quality are up to the usual Chandos high standards , although playing times tend to be short .
13 Safly and hardle are both in the -ly suffix group ; but the child who misspells safly seems to understand about the suffix -ly and so is potentially a better speller than the one who has n't understood the suffix and produces hardle .
14 What is even more significant for wage profiles is that all of the figures quoted for average tenure are well below the 25–30 years that it takes to reach the peak of the earnings profile .
15 Then , whereas the concertos of Haydn represent a tiny and relatively insignificant fraction of his output , three of Mozart 's five violin concertos rank among the ‘ top ten ’ works in that repertory ; his magnificent Clarinet Concerto has never been surpassed ; his concertos for horn and flute are still among the finest works for their respective instruments ; while he may without exaggeration be said to have ‘ invented ’ the piano concerto as we know it , with his 23 original masterpieces in the genre .
16 Border , who once said that the day Marsh and David Boon are out of the Australian side will be the day he goes as well , got back out on the ground soon enough , but he continued to fuel the fire by staying behind in Adelaide that evening while the rest of the team flew on to Perth to prepare for the fifth and final Test .
17 If you 're suggesting that the Manchester Evening News are proactively against the Liberal Democrats or that they would obstruct erm us in getting a fair crack of the whip , you may well be true , but I think we 've got that obstacle overcome , perhaps , in every stage .
18 His collection of drawings was also very fine and sheets with a provenance from his collection are usually of the highest calibre , both in quality and in the state of preservation .
19 Really the only reason I could think of when it 's you know it is important to put things on paper are really like the last three bits that we talked the last three things we talked about which detailed information would need to be there so people can read it when you know it 's got to get to a lot people not all in the same place at the same time or when it 's you need a copy .
20 There is some comment has been made that a new settlement to the South or the South West of York would in some way undermine the urban regeneration erm of Leeds City Council , now I find this a surprising comment given that though people who are making that comment are also at the same time advocating much increased development allocations to , for example , Harrogate district , the main centre for which is erm , nearer than most conceivable new settlement locations to the South and South West of York .
21 The Grand Slam committee , including the chairman of the Wimbledon committee Buzzer Hadingham , and the International Federation are now in the embarrassing situation of having their event outlawed by the most powerful federation in the game .
22 Although I recognise that for obvious reasons the Secretary of State will not want to be locked or painted into a figure of 512 as the maximum , which is what it would be , will he tell the House whether , in the light of last week 's discussions with President Yeltsin and the changes that have taken place since Christmas , the Government are now considering the minimum deterrent to be somewhat lower than they had previously considered it necessary to be ?
23 Even the cycles of this world are also of the greater Mind .
24 This is in stark contrast with the majority of Mbuna where male and female are generally about the same size .
25 The stillness , the poise , of perfect symmetry are not of the everyday world .
26 Although the game is slightly slower on the Master System , all features of the Mega Drive version are there except the instant replay option .
27 He said : ‘ I think the values for leasing are perhaps on the low side , considering that people know what they are going to get this year .
28 Mental symptoms arising in this way are generally of the greatest importance when selecting the most similar remedy .
29 The charges for buying into a trust are usually at the standard rate .
30 The writers of books and producers of films for cinema release are also outside the statutory privilege .
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