Example sentences of "[noun sg] are [adj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Although the rebels ' demands for personal freedom are conspicuous in the chronicles , this can hardly have been the main motive of the Kentishmen , one of the most prominent groups among the peasants , because in Kent there was no serfdom .
2 In Pynchon 's novels the plots of wholly imagined fiction are inseparable from the plots of known history or science .
3 job to see that all the resources in their area of responsibility are suitable for the projects being undertaken .
4 Or , at the very least , their arguments to the contrary are subject to the rules of logic .
5 The following questions will be answered during the course of the research : 1 ) What is the role , function and importance of both the non-custodial parent and custodial parent and how do these change in the period following divorce ? 2 ) What types of conflict and what types of co-operation can be identified between parents following divorce , and what impact does each type have upon both adolescent adjustment ? 3 ) What types of support are available to the children and how are they used ?
6 Old-timers who censure today 's superstars for failing to emulate the three GPs in a day performances of Hailwood and Co are blind to the advances of science .
7 ROTHERHAM Branch are top of the pops !
8 Advice on the bases believed to be used by the Shares Valuation Division of the Inland Revenue are available from the Shares Valuation Unit in London Office .
9 In the view of the Board the resolution of this case depends upon two fundamental propositions : first , agency is a contract made between principal and agent ; second , like every other contract , the rights and duties of the principal and agent are dependent upon the terms of the contract between them , whether express or implied .
10 Yet , under the proposals , auditors are required to consider whether the disclosures of matter giving rise to a going concern uncertainty are adequate for the accounts to give a true and fair view .
11 In the last analysis the opinions on such matters which carry weight are those of the parents of the pupils concerned .
12 Nor can it cope with the more general interdisciplinary and modular patterns which have emerged in the last two decades ; and it is university-biased in its assumption that the basic academic unit is the subject-department , whereas composite departments offering broader programmes of study are common in the polytechnics and colleges .
13 Sheldon Hall Catherine Wheel , Smashing Pumpkins Riverside , Newcastle WITH two well-received EPs behind them , Catherine Wheel are one of the bands of the moment .
14 ( e ) An immediate environment in which , during the past years , three murders have actually taken place , where prostitution , larceny and violence are commonplace in the lives of many of the children and where the hangings that take place at Pentonville Prison periodically create deep disquiet in the minds of all our children .
15 Service of an originating process out of England and Wales is permissible without the leave of the court provided that each claim made is either : ( 1 ) a claim which , by virtue of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 , the court has power to hear and determine , made in proceedings to which the following conditions apply : ( a ) no proceedings between the parties concerning the same cause of action are pending in the courts of any other part of the United Kingdom or of any other Convention territory , and ( b ) either : ( i ) the defendant is domiciled in any part of the United Kingdom or in any other Convention territory , or the proceedings begun by the originating process are proceedings to which art 16 of Sched 1 or of Sched 4 to the 1982 Act refer , or ( ii ) the defendant is a party to an agreement conferring jurisdiction to which art 17 of the said Sched 1 or Sched 4 applies .
16 Finally , in order to determine which region(s) of the nucleocapsid protein are important for the interactions with DNA , NCp7 mutants lacking either one or both zinc fingers and/or one or two of the three regions of basic residues ( 6 ) were tested for their ability to bind to and protect DNAs from endonuclease digestion and dephosphorylation and their ability to stimulate cDNA synthesis .
17 Shopworkers who spent the best part of a day locked out of work are sympathetic with the police , but angry with the terrorists .
18 This step should ensure that the difficulty level and the volume of material in any one session are right for the students .
19 More often they pursue the model of loose-linked internal connections within a management structure , together with a strong belief that the structures of management are contingent upon the problems with which they have to deal .
20 In Fig. 8.6 the amounts of fallen debris are proportional to the areas ABCD and ABEF : the amount provided by the cliff in Fig. 8.6B will obviously be much greater than that provided by the cliff in Fig. 8.6A .
21 These tensions behind the law of manslaughter are evident in the decisions of the courts during this century , many of which have narrowed the offence , but some of which have extended it .
22 Wolfgang 's letters to Leopold during the period of composition and rehearsal are full of the problems he encountered : Varesco 's libretto was far too long and needed severe pruning ; many arias had to be adapted or rewritten to accommodate the foibles of individual singers , and , to make matters worse , Wolfgang himself was suffering from a heavy cold .
23 There 's no doubt that Bob Cooper and his team are pleased with the results of the Commission 's third monitoring report which shows a marked increase in the number of Catholics in employment — up 3,500 in the past two years .
24 Maximilian and Juliane , laughing , attack the adventurers on the round after they are struck by the wave ; the Vampire and his Minion are immune to the effects of the corrosive blood themselves .
25 Playability and ball bounce are two of the advantages of the Omnicourt Pro tennis court , another sand filled artificial grass surface , according to manufacturers Omnisport Landscape Construction Ltd . ( ) .
26 The letter concludes : ‘ In this light , you will understand that the Longleat Estate is increasingly coming to the view that the wishes and interests of the climbing community are inimitable to the interests , duties and priorities of the estate . ’
27 This is because both forms of enterprise are identical to the individuals who own them ; their creditworthiness is that of those individuals .
28 The Formalist principle whereby ‘ the forms of art are explainable by the laws of art ; they are not justified by their realism ’ ( Shklovsky 1965b : 57 ) is manifest in almost every aspect of Sterne 's novel and does not have to be inferred from it by analysis ( as perhaps it does in Gogol 's Overcoat ) .
29 Outlined on this page are some of the opportunities provided through the Education Department , which give our young people the best arts experiences in the country .
30 Views expressed in Woman 's Art Magazine are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor nor of the Women Artists Slide Library .
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