Example sentences of "[noun sg] with [noun prp] [noun prp] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Christopher Boyle and Darren Mills had struck a deal with David Hawthorne over the sale of t-shirts .
2 Merson is controlling his diet and craving for fast-food in a bid to lose a few pounds excess weight , but spoke out yesterday to nail the lies that he has had a bust-up with George Graham over the battle of the bulge .
3 ‘ I had rather a rough passage with Canon Wheeler over the sermon , ’ she said , and explained .
4 neighbour of Krook 's who , with her friend , Mrs Piper , leads the gossip in the court where they all live and is occasionally at variance with Mrs Piper over the behaviour of their respective children .
5 This incident set the pattern for my relationship with Frank Dick over the ensuing seven years .
6 ’ There was trouble with Emily Lightbody over a file this afternoon . ’
7 Mr Kinnock also sprang a surprise by restoring Ms Clare Short to the front bench less than a year after she resigned as spokeswoman on Employment in an acrimonious row with Mr Kinnock over the party 's stance on the Prevention of Terrorism Act .
8 Cecil was more concerned with policy than with party or personal ambition ; he parted company with Lloyd George over the League of Nations and post-war diplomacy ; once outside the government he manoeuvred with other discontented " outs " .
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