Example sentences of "[noun sg] was part of [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The aid was part of a package agreed in principle on Oct. 1 , 1990 [ see p. 37697 ] .
2 The aid was part of a package drawn up by the responsible EC Commissioner , Abel Matutes Juan , as part of the EC 's contribution to economic development in the region ( in particular by creating jobs and thus reducing emigration pressures ) and of its efforts to stimulate the political dialogue with Arab countries and Israel .
3 These concerns were reflected in memos like this , Gordon head of the state lottery finance department was part of the team charged with evaluating G Tec 's bid , he warned on November the third last year .
4 The programme was part of a restructuring of university staff to prepare for a new market environment .
5 The march was part of a protest campaign organized by the Front populaire ivorien ( FPI ) against President Félix Houphouët-Boigny 's refusal to take action against his armed forces Chief of Staff , Gen. Robert Gueï .
6 Criticism can not see its role as ‘ putting right ’ previous errors as though academic study was part of a stream of emendation aimed at achieving some final truth about texts .
7 We explained that we had not realized their boat was part of the Coast Guard and that we had not heard them aright in their orders to stop .
8 Intelligence sources now believe the conspiracy theory supported by some royal aides — that the Squidgy tape was part of a plot to damage the reputations of Prince Charles and Princess Diana .
9 In particular , both argue that reorganization was part of an attempt to adjust systems of representation to fit with the social and economic structures of the late twentieth century .
10 The statement by the Bègles coach Yves Appriou , prior to the game , that violence was part of the process of rebuilding a side , sent a shiver down the spine of the rugby community .
11 Blood was part of the job , like spilled paint to a house-painter .
12 He accused members of the opposition of involvement in an attempted coup , whereas opposition parties claimed that the soldiers ' action was part of a government conspiracy .
13 This impressive series of statutes may owe something to the influence of Justinian 's Code and Digest , which was the core of Roman law and the foundation of the training of civil lawyers ; yet while Roman law was part of the atmosphere breathed by nearly all lawyers in the thirteenth century , and at least one outstanding civil lawyer , Vacarius , was familiar to Englishmen , the statutes on the whole betray little impress of Justinian , concerned as they were largely with the clarification of traditional indigenous and feudal problems .
14 The wage freeze was part of a campaign to bring down inflation from 2,000-2,500 per cent to a target of 13 per cent .
15 The work was part of a programme to study the effects of high pressures — in excess of 1000 atmospheres — on chemical reactions .
16 The army 's deployment in the south was part of the government 's attempts to reassert control over the country under the terms of the Arab League-sponsored Taif peace accords [ see pp. 36986 ; 37928 ] .
17 The EC Audio-Visual Commissioner , M Jean Dondelinger , said the plan was part of a move towards the ‘ high-definition television ’ of the future , although the sets do not themselves provide such an image .
18 This was because a degree was part of the training of a gentleman , and not a technical qualification ; the scientist was as well-educated , though in a different line , as the classicist .
19 Sir Andrew Derbyshire , who as a young architect with Sheffield City Council was part of the steering committee 30 years ago , has agreed to serve again , and the chairman will be Frank Duffy of DEGW , who is now the RIBA 's Vice-President for Marketing .
20 MDC also noted that the student recruit-a-friend campaign was part of a prize winning competition .
21 A quarter of these conceptions or pregnancies were inside marriage but the others should not necessarily be regarded as an indication of increasing single parenthood since 59 per cent of these ‘ illegitimate births ’ were jointly registered indicating the child was part of a stable , though non-marital , relationship ( Central Statistical Office , 1988 ) .
22 Sometimes he thought that her simplistic morality was part of the reason why he loved her .
23 A NISSAN UK Limited boss was part of a fraud of ‘ breath-taking proportions , ’ a jury was told today .
24 Yet Elizabeth had been a widow for over ten years , and her children were very nearly off her hands ; it is quite possible that her brief sojourn in the workhouse was part of an attempt to give her life a new direction and meaning — perhaps she was there as a helper , a visitor , a counsellor to those in need , or even as a missionary spreading the gospel of Christianity in general or that of the Lady Huntingdon 's Connexion in particular .
25 By the latter part of the 17th century , the mill was part of the Manor of Stoke Orchard and Downing , and in 1805 , for £800 , mill and bakehouse were sold to Richard Evans .
26 The onlookers at first thought this accident was part of the show and were creased with laughter , making the poor man even more irate .
27 It is clear that prophecy was part of the experience of the people of God in the Bible ( see Numbers 11:20,1 Samuel 19:20 , Joel 2:28 , Acts 2:18 ; 15:22 ; 19:6 ; 21:9 , 1 Corinthians 11:4–5 ; 12:28 ; 14:1 and 24 , Ephesians 4:11,1 Thessalonians 5:20 for just a sample of instances ) .
28 The installation of the remaining parts of the networked library package was part of the Garden 's 1989-90 Computing Upgrade , but was delayed until mid-1991 .
29 Social reform was part of the policy of creating a totalitarian system through Gleichschaltung or ‘ coordination ’ .
30 Brailsford quite categoricaliy rejects the idea that group aggression was part of the spectacle in the way it has come to be since the 1960s .
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