Example sentences of "[noun sg] was that of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The other loss was that of the Chairman himself , Captain Sykes , who died on 25th April 1901 .
2 ONE OF THE best rescues involving archaeological research was that of the grotto at Hampton Court House in the garden of Lord Halifax 's house , opposite Wolsey 's palace .
3 The typical figure was that of the craftsman-farmer , combining , say , a smithy with a smallholding , living in his own small balanced economy ; hence the minuteness of the detail in the picture .
4 Another unexpected disappearance from the scene was that of the defence minister himself , Adnan Khairallah , the President 's cousin , reported early in 1989 as having been dismissed and later to have died in a helicopter crash .
5 The most heavily publicized campaign was that of the Aid Spain Committee which organized the British Section of the International Brigade and the sending of " food ships " and medical supplies to the Republicans .
6 Every so often the sound of a dropped pencil or pen would break the solitude , but apart from that the only sound was that of the wind outside , whipping around the building , hurling rain at the windows so hard it sounded as if thousands of tiny pebbles were being bounced off the glass .
7 Another important stream was that of the Gala Water .
8 Another early concept was that of the Ba , which is usually translated as meaning the soul .
9 A very early concept was that of the Akh , meaning glorified or transfigured spirit .
10 The other important development was that of the use of the mounted archer , who , paid twice the wage of the foot archer , was first found in English armies in 1334 .
11 One of the most spectacular failures within the Prussian Polenpolitik was that of the Ansiedlungskomission or Royal Prussian Colonisation Commission .
12 Nevertheless on failing to extirpate this superstition , Gregory " learned " in a vision that the tomb was that of the martyr Benignus , and he incorporated the site in a new church .
13 The most critical and decisive breakdown of the economy was that of the rupture between town and country .
14 One particular disclosure that was objected to by many respondents to the Discussion Paper was that of the market value of capital instruments ( other than equity shares ) .
15 One of the issues in the passage of this legislation was that of the anonymity of raped women and girls , although the nearly all-male Parliament was also concerned about anonymity for the accused men .
16 The voice was that of the simpleton , Seidemann .
17 The doors stood open , breathing out incense and heavy soul , and the spirit was that of the market scene in the pantomime when the cast , encouraged by the audience , has let the business get out of hand .
18 And it is to be noted that the initial mistake was that of the judge who made his ruling and his reference to the second statement without argument and in unfortunate terms .
19 Thus , the defence of mistake is available only when the mistake was that of the defendant himself , Birkenhead & District Co-op Society v. Roberts ( 1970 D.C. ) .
20 There were , of course , numerous forms and methods in which this ‘ law ’ expressed itself , but the most characteristic aspect was that of the transfer of resources to the socialist sector from the private commodity sector , and this is the process that — according to Preobrazhensky — imposes itself upon the socialist sector .
21 If the petitioner has received any payment from the debtor since the petition was presented or the debtor has entered into an arrangement with the petitioner for the securing or compounding of the debt , the affidavit must state what dispositions of property the debtor has made so as to pay the debt or secure or compound for it , whether any property disposed of was the property of the debtor himself or some other person , and if the property was that of the debtor himself , whether the disposition was made with the approval of the court ( r 6.32(2) ) .
22 Too often the curriculum of the comprehensive school was that of the grammar , high status academic subjects were on offer to the academically able child and the rest suffered a watered down version of ‘ studies ’ : European for those judged not capable of sustaining a foreign language , classical for those not taking Latin and Greek , social for the non-geographers and historians , and rural for those not taking ‘ proper ’ science .
23 Probably the loudest voice raised in favour of dress reform in the last century was that of the German , Dr Gustav Jaeger , who for sanitary and hygienic reasons , wanted men and women to wear natural , undyed wool next to their skin .
24 Among my areas of responsibility was that of the application of AI techniques to aircraft maintenance .
25 The defendant can escape liability if he proves that the only act or default which caused the breach was that of the plaintiff .
26 after purchase substantial work required and new survey indicated only value was that of the site .
27 The obvious connection was that of the idea of tele-kinetic powers , and so my search began .
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