Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [adv prt] [prep] the question " in BNC.

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1 Looking at the tangle of bushes on either side , she soon realised that to make a thorough search of the undergrowth was out of the question .
2 It is a relatively small basement room , so a large imposing piece was out of the question .
3 Yet a return to the ordinary relations between a templestate and the Seleucid sovereign was out of the question .
4 Watching the flames shoot up the chimney , he told himself firmly that marriage was out of the question .
5 This meant a slightly longer , but more pleasant , train journey to London ; and it presented no problems about staying up in the evening , whereas with my school duties lunch was out of the question .
6 Work was out of the question , she could not think about it ; she did not dare go to the tower , she felt she had damaged something : loose talk means hubris .
7 My next thought , since saving my life 's work was out of the question , was for a pair of underpants in the probable event that I would shortly find myself in public .
8 At the same time she knew escape was out of the question .
9 Diana then knew that divorce was out of the question .
10 Divorce was out of the question , because of her religious convictions .
11 A caddie was out of the question and a golf cart , her usual helpmate , would not be allowed on the coarse until later on .
12 To try to leave the surface of the planet was out of the question .
13 An independent structure for the organisation was out of the question .
14 The government was determined to avoid confrontation with any Great Power over peripheral areas where significant economic development was out of the question .
15 Conventional adoption was out of the question .
16 Adoption was out of the question in this country I think in Grampian region there was four babies for
17 A big peak was out of the question ; it was a little too late , a little too wet and miserable .
18 To frighten off these visions , and because further sleep was out of the question , he went downstairs to make some tea .
19 Sleep was out of the question now .
20 Time-keeping was out of the question , structure was notable largely by its absence , and at the end of the weekend someone stole the funds , thus breaking even the bond of collective trust which was assumed to exist .
21 To those for whom gas was out of the question , and candles or lamps were expensive luxuries , firelight was often the single source of light as well as heat , as George Eliot notes in Adam Bede : ‘ It was a pretty scene in the red fire-light : for there were no candles ; why should there be , when the fire was so bright , and was reflected from all the pewter and the polished oak ? ’
22 The ladder was out of the question now , what with the floodlights .
23 The sun made it warm enough to sit outside and , although swimming in the pool was out of the question so early in the year , Jenna managed to get an even golden tan .
24 A doctor was out of the question , Isabel would never see doctors , had always been in rude health , had not , indeed , wanted to call the doctor to Faith , until her colour had changed and , by her breathing , they had known that the illness was grave .
25 Labour borough councillors , who threw the plan out last year , say the inspector 's report vindicates their view that a private hospital in the grounds of the Memorial was out of the question .
26 But with Karen such frankness was out of the question , and without her cooperation , getting rid of Dennis looked like just another of the many pipe-dreams I had indulged in over the years .
27 Missing the mid-1992 implementation date was out of the question .
28 However , continuing financial uncertainty meant that privatisation by means of a share issue to the public was out of the question .
29 The depth sounder and Decca Navigator in the wheelhouse were innovations and although Radar was out of the question at that time we managed very well with the Decca Navigator , often running up the Thames in quite dense fog buoy hopping through Sea Reach .
30 That first day at school depressed me , and during the next few days I begged my parents to let me stay at home , which of course was out of the question .
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