Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [adv] [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 While on the whole we feel knowledge of the field-worker 's religion was not detrimental to the research , we believe it also had positive effects , in that it immediately forced respondents to confront their attitudes towards Catholics , as did the field-worker 's gender in relation to sex roles in the force , placing both issues high on the research agenda .
2 Aside from the clear financial objective of an increase in the basic weekly rate to 7s 6d , the association was mainly concerned with the inconsistencies of the 1908 Act in so far as the means test mitigated against the ‘ respectable aged Britisher ’ .
3 Apparently the stranger was not worried by the news that they meant to stay .
4 Jamila was fast asleep with a sheet over her lower half .
5 Lyndon Johnson 's searing complaints against the British have been much quoted , yet for the first year or two the president was not insensitive to the political realities in London .
6 The president was more concerned about the loss of jobs .
7 The court held that the second defendant was not liable for the cost of a respray , as at the time of the accident the car was already in need of one .
8 It was pointed out in Chapter 1 that geography was not integral to the theory of long waves , apart from the descriptive fact that different countries have taken the lead in successive cycles .
9 The Newmarket trainer was especially impressed with the way Maguire carried out his orders .
10 Killion was too exhausted by the feeble air , and the cold , and the need to watch the airfield , to try and think of a reason .
11 The result was most timely for the West Indies even if it left the South Africans in a state of some shock .
12 I was lucky to halve the match with her , and this flattering result was mostly due to a fortuitous birdie on the last hole , where I holed a pitch and run shot from short of the green .
13 The result was particularly welcome for the Greens ( led in Hesse by the pragmatist former Bundestag deputy Joschka Fischer ) , which had failed to win representation in the Bundestag in the December 1990 general election .
14 I think the reason for the defeat was mainly due to the , the biannual conference issue .
15 Gaskell was actively involved with the firm until the 1870s , after which he remained a director until November 1890 , when it was absorbed into the United Alkali Co .
16 Cultural and social anthropology was then concerned with the evolution of human society and culture .
17 Opposition was most apparent from the UK government , and was sustained at Maastricht two years later .
18 Popular opposition was not unimportant among the factors which prevented the workhouse system from becoming general throughout East Anglia , despite the considerable interest shown in that region .
19 The depth of divisions during the debate and the strength of the opposition was apparently responsible for the plenum overrunning its original two-day schedule .
20 Her mind was too concerned with the man who was tilting his chair back as he talked , one slim bronzed hand emphasising a point now and again .
21 His leader , musing on the fact that target mail was well wide of the target just like Tory policies , said he would reply .
22 To begin with , the new water you put into the pond was probably straight from the tap .
23 The butyric acid concentration was particularly high in the proximal colon and this has been reported to induce diffrentiation in colonic cancer cell lines .
24 The median ( range ) serum pepsinogen I concentration was also high in the uraemic compared with the non-uraemic patients and was significantly higher in uraemic patients with H pylori ( 352 ng/ml , range 280–653 ) than in those without H pyulori infection ( 165 ng/ml , range 86–337 ) ( p<0.01 ) .
25 His girlfriend was very pretty with a flawless complexion and hair the colour of new parchment .
26 If tension was so high in an area not stricken by famine , it may be assumed that as much or more violence occurred in regions like the Ukraine and Tambov guberniia , which were nearly as badly off as the Volga .
27 Seismic evidence of large relief on the base of the crust was not evident in the gravity data , suggesting that a high-density ( eclogitic ) layer is present in the lower part of the crust .
28 The Deputy Head ( Curriculum ) noted that Head of Department was not happy with the timetable :
29 A new uncertainty was also evident in the main institutional pillars of the regime , ABRI and Golkar , both of which underwent considerable self-examination in the first half of 1990 .
30 Hygiene was never high on the priorities of Marlowe Street .
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