Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [adj] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The neighbourhood was appalled at the atrocities perpetrated on two popular local policemen .
2 Margaret McGregor , who chairs the licensing board at Edinburgh District Council , said the board was responding to police reports that the incidence of violent crime was greater at the weekends and in the early hours .
3 And the cold was worst at the feet , he thought .
4 The Arab world was alarmed at the implications of the new Cabinet for the peace process , formed as it was at a time when the USA was considering breaking off its 16-month dialogue with the PLO , following the abortive raid on the Israeli coast on May 30 [ see this page for breaking off of dialogue on June 20 ] .
5 Although life was hard and the conditions poor , shiftwork was plentiful at the mills .
6 A flouncy negligee and a pair of tights lay over one chair ; the tiny television was perched on another ; a soggy packet of frozen spinach lay beside the gas-ring ; on the crumpled candlewick of the bed an Evening Standard was open at the entertainments ' page so she could decide which film to go and see .
7 She was tanned and her hair was fairer at the roots .
8 The Camel Benetton Ford driver was outraged at the tactics used by Senna to keep him at bay for several laps .
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