Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [adj] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The concept of Partnership was first developed formally in the 1977 white paper .
2 Officially , the force was supposed to go in by invitation only ; avoid looking like the heavy mob ; and not humiliate authorities which felt they were hounded because they were struggling to cope on their own .
3 The course machinery was also increasingly sophisticated , and was supposedly superior , and the Club was obliged to keep up with the latest ideas , as both members and staff expected it .
4 This area of study was first opened up by Professor Kurt Lewin in the United States in the mid 1940 's with the use of so-called ‘ T-groups ’ as a device for the study of inter-personal relations within groups .
5 A commission appointed by the Court of Session was due to resume yesterday at his home in Beith , Ayrshire , to hear testimony in advance of a full court hearing which is unlikely to take place for two years .
6 This picture of a hot early stage of the universe was first put forward by the scientist George Gamow in a famous paper written in 1948 with a student of his , Ralph Alpher .
7 The boy was mad rushing out into the open like that .
8 In the meantime , work was proceeding on the Croydon — Sutton line and the time limit specified in the Act was due to run out by the end of the year .
9 To a large extent of course the Queen was able to make up for the loss by grants of double , triple , and even quadruple subsidies , but in doing so she may have encouraged resistance .
10 From a massive deficit of £281mi1lion in 1984–5 , the year of the miners ' strike , the sector was able to recover quickly to break-even point and then achieve a handsome surplus of £69million in 1988–9 .
11 The seminal work of such type was that carried out by the Italian psychiatrist , Lombroso , who set out to demonstrate the pathological nature of genius , quoting examples as varied as Julius Caesar , Mohammed , Newton , Rousseau , and Schopenhauer .
12 However , with regard to the follow-up of arrests , one of the research team was able to sit in on a Juvenile Case Referral Panel , which recommended whether juveniles should be cautioned , and another member made observations in the magistrates ' courts .
13 Mistakes can be costly and the author recalls one scheme where the beneficiary of a right of way waited until a house purchaser was due to move in before exercising his rights , thus deliberately causing the maximum disruption to the developer .
14 The former James Bond star got stagefright only weeks before the curtain was due to go up on the original West End show and made a shock exit .
15 ‘ If you wanted to find out how an astronaut 's body was likely to stand up to the strain of living on a very , very heavy planet , is there some way of testing it before actually visiting the planet ? ’
16 The $420m a year that America has been getting to compensate it for the loss in sales of farm products to Spain and Portugal after they joined the Community was due to run out in 1990 .
17 Milling was last capped back in 1988 but with Waringstown 's Alan Nelson already ruled out of the Kenya trip due to work commitments , must feature strongly in the selectors ' minds .
18 Tobin and Lieberman ( 1976 ) found that passivity was an indicator that a person was likely to respond badly to being in an institution .
19 If the sense in which all behaviour was non-autonomous turned out to be the same as the sense in which abnormal behaviour is now understood to be so , then the same attitude to it would be appropriate .
20 The light genoa was stopped to the lifelines and the staysail was ready to send up through the forehatch .
21 Ivor Jordan , of the East Anglian Trades Union Congress , said the strike was necessary to bring home to the public that rail services were being decimated by the Government .
22 At Limoges the Young King was free to go over to the attack .
23 Recognising that the apparently low incidence of the sudden infant death syndrome was difficult to explain wholly in terms of currently recognised risk factors , we sought to identify other differences in infant care practices that may contribute to the lower incidence of such deaths in Bangladeshi babies .
24 It was from the secretarius intimus or secretarius papae of this period that the later papal secretary of state evolved , though that title was first used only in 1644 .
25 This argument was first put forward by a Harvard economist , Steven Marglin , in an article he provocatively entitled ‘ What do Bosses do ? ’ .
26 The theory was first put forward by H R Buchanan in his Manual of Psychometry in 1889 , when he argued that all objects contain the history of the world because they are connected to the Akashic Chronicles .
27 Blue Streak was unlikely to measure up to this requirement .
28 Strategy was necessary to get out on a date alone .
29 In the Far East , the future of Hong Kong , an immensely important financial and manufacturing centre , where the British lease was due to run out in 1997 , was left in abeyance by both the British and the Chinese governments , in the post-Mao era .
30 But erm it was diagnosed late , you see , having polyneuritis for three months , that the er the movement was last to come back in the toes and feet .
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